Chapter 13: Not Just a Toy

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First song used is 'Cinnamon Girl' by Lana Del Ray, Dec only sings a few lines so please listen to the song first so you can get a sense of the melody and atmosphere before reading ❤️

Second and main song is 'Body' by Jordan Suaste, I've added it above ^^

Also I was wondering when I have songs that Dec plays, how do people normally listen to it?

Content loneliness enveloped Declans delicate frame as he sat in the rocking chair in the corner of his room's balcony, his legs were drawn close to his chest whilst resting over his thighs, was a scribble covered notepad.

The sun was going down slowly in the horizon and the songwriters sense's whirled with emotion as he let every little thing he felt or suffered flow through him.

Declan gazed down at the lyrics on his lap and hummed a sweet melody, his fingers pressing his knee lightly as an imaginary piano, playing his imaginary notes.

While the creativity sparked little candle lights in his brain, Dec closed his eyes and let his mind wander to images, all the hurt, all the pain, all the desperation and with that agony, a chorus tumbled from his lips.

"There's things I wanna say to you
But I'll just let you live....
Like if you hold me without hurting me..."

The singer sighed and let out a breath before opening his eyes to look at the empty chair next to him to before speaking slowly.

"You'll be the first who ever did"

"There's things I wanna talk about... but better not to give
But if you hold me without hurting me... you'll be the first who ever did."

With a single tear running down his cheek Declan scribbled down the last of his lyrics and a few notes on the side for the melody before shutting his book to slouch back into his room.

Tamsin was already dressed in a smart suit, standing there laying out Declan's outfits while comparing different colour pocket squares. His bright blue eyes twinkled when the Geordie walked towards him and began unbutton his polo shirt before shucking it off.

"It sounded good." Tamsin smiled, thinking about the lyrics which had just caused him to shed a few unbidden tears.

"That's all I've got so far. I'm thinking of selling it." Declan shrugged, "Lana was talking about a collab, I might phone her up and see what she thinks."

"I love her music." Tamsin's commented, handing Declan a white vest followed by a crisp white shirt. The make up artist didn't hide the way he checked out the Geordie's arms to see if there was any fresh scars since the hospital and finding out that his ex was dying. Unusually however, he seemed to be holding up well.

"I'll go get my makeup." Tam smiled, absently giving Dec a sympathetic look at the bags under the younger man's eyes.

Declan didn't even think about it and nodded, reaching for the buckle of his jeans to proceed in getting change. It had been a long time since he looked healthy enough to not need make up in public, it meant he was lucky that his make up artist was also his best friend and therefore always on call.

"I thought it was best not to go matching cause we'd clash that way so I've gone for two different shades of charcoal." Tamsin walked in with a dancers twirl and Dec pouted. He tried to see the difference between the two suits, but to his untrained eyes they were exactly the same apart from the waistcoat style and bow tie colour so he just shrugged while finished doing up his silver cufflinks before sitting at the vanity.

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