Chapter 14: Hookup

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I was running low on inspiration but have gotten really Into developing original characters so used that to get me through this... Hope it's okay and you guys don't mind 🙈

**Any Russian left untranslated by the story will have these ** and will have translation at the bottom. Disclaimer: I used good translate so the Russian is possibly incorrect.

"I Uh... I'll miss you when you're gone."

Dec's green eyes flickered from where he'd been staring out the window of his black SUV to the dark haired man sat adjacent who had his eyes trained firmly on the flash of street lamps outside. 

A small smile edged at the singers lips as he turned back to look out through the single pane of tinted glass before whispering, "It's a nice feeling... to be missed."

Anthony finally pulled his gaze down to his lap, trying to resist the temptation to watch the smaller man but gradually losing that battle, "You think I haven't missed you?"

When the presenters deep sea blues took a glimpse at Declan he quickly averted them as soon as they were met with the brown haired Geordies broken look.

"Guess I didn't think there was anything to miss." Dec mumbled, observing the empty seat separating them and wishing it would just disappear.

"You can be a real idiot sometimes."

"Thought that was my line." Dec huffed in amusement, all the times he'd called Ant that very same name flashing past his misty eyes.

"Even the most perfect people can be idiots sometimes."

A blush spread through Dec's cheeks at the taller man's words. He tried not to be effected, not by how Ant said he missed him and not by how he complimented him- telling him he's perfect and missable- but that was a lost cause because it felt so good.

Silence fell heavy on the boys shoulders and Declan found himself fidgeting in his seat, his heart pumping at a almost painful speed.

As he closed his eyes, Dec could just picture it; breaking through silence with the unclipping of his seat belt, sliding across the seat to close the gap that separated them. He knew logically that Ant would look confused at first, but then Dec hoped he'd accept the closeness, wrap his arms around his smaller shoulders and slowly lean in.

Dec could practically feel the warmth of Ant's breath pressed over his lips, his callous hand resting on his thigh...

When their lips touched Dec knew even his imagination couldn't be that vivid, he felt everything, the electricity that shot through his body and the warmth that tightened into a coil in his stomach.

Ant had unclipped his seatbelt. Ant had slide across the seats and Ant had kissed him like nothing else in the world existed.

Forever wasn't even half the time that Dec wanted to spend connected to the other man in that kiss. It was perfect and simple. There was no past between them, no future, just the present. Just them in that moment, loving each other like they always have and that was what kept the kiss alive.

Declan for once didn't fight it, he went willingly as Ant fumbled to undo his seat belt and pull him impossibly closer. The Presenter's hand, which had been settled on Dec's thigh, tucked behind his head, cradling his neck to keep him close while his other arm wrapped around the smaller Geordie's waist.

Dec's hand took it's place on Ant's thigh for support as he opened his lips for the taller man's tongue to explore. Every nerve In his body shot with warmth and he couldn't help but let out a small moan as he let Ant dominate his mouth with tender care.

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