Chapter 27: Hot bread

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Not Dec putting his hand on Ants thigh in that picture 🥵 This chapter was supposed to cover much more time between the boys but I realised you guys deserve an update after so long so thought I'd release some pure fluff for you and here it is.... Enjoy  🥰

"I apologise for the setting. My team were uncomfortable with the surveillance Mr Ellicot may keep on your personal address Mr Donnelly."


"Not to worry. We haven't identified anything yet."

"And im guessing you've had to keep surveillance on my property to come to that conclusion." The smaller Geordie growled back and Ant sighed, sitting down in his office chair with a wince. Dec's anger instantly deflated and he was knelt at Ant's side with concern sparkling In his sea green eyes.

"I can make them leave if you want baby." Dec's hand snaked under the arm of Anthony's office chair and sat on his thigh, "We can Just got to bed and do this later."

Ant looked down at his gorgeous, caring boyfriend and felt his stength waver a little more. Being curled up in the safety of the singers arms felt like the perfect option, "Can we get to the point Detective West?" The presenter grunted, eager to skip to the more enjoyable parts of their evening.

"Of course. We've been investigating Mr Donnelly's ex-boyfriend ever since his activity started to resurface in the U.K.  this started around the same time you yourself Mr Donnelly, returned to the country."

"I have nothing to do with the man. I haven't seen him in 5 years ago."

Detective West studied the celebrities closed of expression for a moment before giving him a coy smile. "I understand your distrust of us, sir, however I would ask that you could be honest."

Dec's eyes flickered worriedly to Ant as though hoping the raven haired man had the answers to all this. The silent look he received however was only sympathetic and so Dec decided the best course of action was to hold his tongue.

"The intel we've gathered leads us to believe you hold no criminal intent. The Same cannot be said for Mr McPartlin however."

"Criminal intent? What are you talking about?!" Dec huffed and Ant hung his head, feeling dizzy with the stress.

Detective west drew a couple of papers from his leather folder and handed them to Declan.

"That Is a list of all the crimes we believe you, Anthony have committed in your vigilante  man-hunt for Mr Ellicott."

"So You're here to arrest me?" Ant growled deeply, sinking back in his seat in resignation.

"No. In fact we want to work with you. It seems you're both in a tricky spot at the moment. You want Mr Ellicott out of your lives and we want him to see justice."

"These crimes Ant has allegedly committed are all dated back 3 to 5 years ago. What makes you think we want to be involved in any of this now."

West exhaled slowly and once again referred back to his folder, this time handing Declan a paper directly and the Geordie's eyes widened. Ant looked up at the smaller man, confused and concerned. "Decky what is it?"

"Where the hell did you get this?! These are my private finances!"

Suddenly, everyone's attention was taken by the office door clicking open and how the base of it rubbed against the carpet as it opened.

Dec's body sagged against Ant's chair with a snort of disbelief. "You've gotta be kidding me. I knew you were too fucking hot to be an accountant."

Demitri now stood in the middle of the office, shuffled on the spot. Detective west turned around in his chair to look at the Russian as he muttered a guilty, "Sorry Declan."

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