Chapter 1: Last night

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Here it is people!

Finally the first chapter of the SEQUAL ! The boys are back and hopefully ill be able to dedicate more time to this in the future ✌️

This is the SEQUAL to Spotlights. Read that first please or else this won't make sense :)

Song is Burning by Samsmith. Added above^^

Please enjoy

Unwelcome morning rays shone through the glass of one of London's most high end and exclusive Hotel suites.

Sheets were draped messily over the bed and clothes splayed in a trail along the floor. Two bodies slept soundly beside each other, their chest rising and falling in sync.

A head of rough sandy brown hair stuck up in all directions from where it rested against a crooked pillow. Slowly and painfully Declan regained consciousness, a wave of nausea hitting him in full force as soon as he tasted the alcohol on his tongue.

Squinting to keep out the light he groaned and pushed up onto his elbows, the weight of his hangover hitting him like a tonne of bricks.

What the hell happened last night? He wondered against the pain in his head and regretfully opened his eyes fully to rest on a tall man beside him.

At first the Geordies shock created denial as he took in the jet black hair and tanned skin that once upon a time drove him crazy... still did drive him crazy.

He shook his head and opened his eyes again, the singer tried to convince himself it wasn't true. He'd slept with guys who looked like him before... had only slept with guys who looked like him.

Dec sucked In a deep breath as his heart sunk to the floor when he realised there was no way he couldn't not recognise the taller man.

It was Ant.

The same Ant he'd left 5 years ago. The same Ant he hadn't seen since he walked away in tears. The same Ant he'd dreamed about constantly but told himself he couldn't ever see again. The same Ant that held his whole heart back in London.

Dec swore when he processed their positions and came to the most obvious assumption.

"Oh god, no no no this can't be happening." He whined, jumping out from the bed and quickly finding his clothes, his eyes trying to avoid the beautiful naked body on the bed with him.

How the hell did this happen?! I went to the hotel room... not even this hotel room and then... fuck! I can't remember a thing.

Dec quickly grabbed his phone and didn't even care that he slammed the door as he started moving hurriedly through the corridor and dialled his contacts, "Stevie?! I don't know where I am... I need you to get me a car."

He knew he sounded desperate but he was, he couldn't believe he let that happen! He'd only been in London for a day and next thing he knows he's waking up after getting fucked by his ex. That was not meant to happened... he wasn't supposed to get involved with anyone and now he'd had a one night stand with the one person he wanted more than anyone... the one person he loved more than anyone.

"Morning boss, do you have any idea where you are?"

"Uh... London? Oh I don't know Stevie some hotel room."

"Oooo did someone get laid." Stephen teased and the singer could already see his eyebrows wiggling.

"Please don't Stephen." Dec whimpered, as he urgently pressed the button to the lift, terrified the presenter would have woken up and tried to follow him. "Please can you just find me."

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