Chapter 4: Puppy Power!

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Ant didn't even look up from his laptop when the door of his home office creaked open. It was nearing 8 in the morning, he knew who was walking in and all he felt was frustration.

On countless occasions had he set out the rules, his office was out of bounds. Ant didn't just go there to work, he went there to think, to breath for a moment without everything crushing down on him. He had hoped Liam could atleast obey some simple rules but like a child he insisted on testing his patience.

Liam walked in shyly, knowing the presenter didn't like it when he went into his private office, but he couldn't help himself! He'd missed the taller man's arms around him when he woke up in the morning.

He knew that Ant held a tough guy exterior that was almost impossible to break down, but those few times he saw a gap through his emotionless shell he thrived in the warmth emitted by the taller man's caring heart. Too feel so loved and cared for, it was an addictive feeling and maybe he was selfish for wanting that feeling all the time.

"Ant?" He asked meekly through the silence, imagining one of the scenes from the movies where he stands there looking cute and his handsome rich boyfriend walks over to sweep him off his feet.

It was never quite like that though, Ant had a shallow glass of scotch sat beside him on the expensive mahogany desk and didn't even let his blue eyes flicker up from computer.

"I'm working Liam can this wait?" Ant grumbled, trying not to look up and be disappointed when it wasn't Declan drowning in his oversized hoodie.

"Um... I-I'm sorry... I was just wondering if you were still taking me and the girls out for lunch today?"

Ant's fingers froze to hover on the keys and he internally swore to himself. Was that really today?

He let out a sigh and sat back in his chair, "Is it really Thursday already?"

Liam nodded and wrapped his arms around middle, kinda wanting a hug from the dark haired man but too scared to ask.

Ant rubbed his temples and looked at the long list of emails he needed to reply to.

"I'm really busy today Li can't we postpone?"

Liam frowned and looked down at his feet, "W-well I can't really postpone Clara's birthday."

Ant sighed at the young boys sad face and knew full well he was being a shitty boyfriend, he'd promise to take them out. He used to be a man of his word.

"Come here." The presenter sighed, pushing his desk chair back so Liam could practically skip over to him and sit down in his lap, snuggling into his strong body.

"I'm sorry I forgot it was today." He mumbled against Liams curly hair. "Let me answer some of these emails and I'll  take you all shopping aswell ay?"

Liam grinned and nodded his head quickly. Ant knew he'd done well, the younger man loved shopping, he was an expensive person to please but if you had the money, he was easy to spoil rotten and Ant didn't mind that at all.

"Good, go get changed into those shorts and shirt I brought you for last week and wait for me downstairs."

"Yay! Thankyou so much Ant!" Liam exclaimed, placing a quick kiss on Ant's cheek and jumping off his lap quickly. He was a little sad Ant couldn't come up and get changed with him but he knew the Presenter needed to work so he could buy him all these nice things.

As soon as Liam closed the door behind him, Ant shuffled back to the computer and typed in the suggested search of 'Declan Donnelly.' quickly skimming through the news articles to see if he'd been out of the hotel room since their exchange outside the bar.

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