Chapter 17: Cynical

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Liam's cute smart shirt for the interview ^^

Actually not overly happy with this... it was much better in my head.

Dec fit the image of multi-millionaire playboy to the letter. His hair had been gelled up and styled perfectly by Tamsin. His shades covered the dark circles around his green eyes to give the illusion of self-assurance and his sharp suit was about as flawless as the entire confident facade he put up.

Tam was sat opposite the smaller man in the SUV with Bear sat close at his side, Stephen was curled up against the door on Dec's right, typing away and not looking up as Tamsin declared to the collection of people present, "I think this is a bad idea."

Declan didn't react past the eye-roll behind his glasses, but spoke tiredly when no one else made a move to answer. "You've been rewording the same point ever since we left Germany. We are almost there now so I say it'll be easier just to play along."

"I still think the kid could have come back to ours."

"But that would mean we'd have to go through even more London traffic to get there and back. Not to mention I wanna pick up Rocky after and Lisa is only a few miles out."

"You're not taking Rocky to the interview are you?!" Stephen jumped in with a panic, only catching the end of their conversion.

"No no of course not, calm down. Ian's gonna take him home for me so he's there when I get back." Dec explained, knowing that the one thing he'd been missing the most about London was his adorable little sausage dog.

"Ah okay that's fine." Tamsin leaned against Bear, "Baby I'm cold. Cuddle me."

The brown haired man chuckled but obliged easily, wrapping his arms around his petite fiancé and kissing his hair, "Better?"

Tamsin hummed and closed his eyes, a warm smile tugging at his lips, "Much better Thankyou boo."

As the sight became sickeningly sweet, Dec looked out of the window while Stephen rolled his eyes at their closeness. There was a time the Young PA would have suggested Tamsin ask their driver to turn the heating up, but he'd long learned that was not a sensible idea.

Instead of joking he simply mumbled, "Alright we're here."

The four friends filed out, Demi having been dropped at his flat to organise some of his work and get changed.

The password to Ant's gate was not something anyone worried about, Stephen already knew it, so they just walked straight through the large gravel drive way towards the door.

Dec took the lead and showed no hesitation as he stood still and rang the door bell a relentlessly of times just to irritate the taller Geordie.

"What the hell?! I heard ya the first time man! I'm coming alright! Stop it with the bell!" Ant's rough accent growled out behind the door as his silhouette appeared through the  opaque glass.

The door opened completely for the presenters body to be visible and Dec kept his face stoney despite the younger Geordie's adorable bed hair and Newcastle United hoodie.

Ant just blinked at the smaller man for a second and backed up when Dec stepped into his house, glaring at him through his sunglasses.

"Hey.... uh Dec... I thought you were-" suddenly Ant's words were cut off by a hard, resounding smack and an impact against his cheek that sent his head flying to the right. He waited there for a minute in fear of being slap again. the left side of his face went numb as he lifted his hand to smooth out the lightly stumbled skin.

The presenter was still too in shock to say anything when the brown haired singer pushed past him into his large hallway. In the end, he fully accepted that he had deserved that abuse and stepped aside to let Declan's Entourage in all while grumbling sarcastically, "Please come in, make your self at home."

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