Skydiving. Pt.1

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So I was watching Drake and Josh and ICarly so I decided to incorporate some ideas from the show in here so it should be good. Hope you like. By the way thank for helping me reach over 10 thousand reads you guys rock.
Seth's Pov
I woke up the next morning and I just stared at my beautiful girlfriend. My staring was broken when my alarm clock went off. I rush to try to turn it off. I ended up almost breaking it. I forgot I'm not 15 anymore. Too Late! The alarm had woke my girlfriend. She groaned and cuddle into my chest. I kissed her forehead.

"Morning, Princess", I said and she looked at me and smiled.

"Mmm..Morning",she said and started tracing my chest.

"Babe we have to get up.",I said to her.

"Mmmmm I don't wanna"

"Too bad. Get up", I said and smacked her butt. She glared at me and got up.

I watched her a she walked into the bathroom and soon followed.
About 40 minutes later, I was ready and dressed. Kait was still getting ready .

"Kait!", I yelled


"I'm gonna head downstairs when you're done just come down.", I explained.

"Okay!", She yelled from the bathroom.

I walked downstairs and saw Ally and Marcos sitting in the living room watching The Walking Dead.

"Hey nerds.", I said as I went to the kitchen to make shakes for everyone.

" Hey Colbs", Ally said as she entered the kitchen and watched.
She always loved watching people cook.

"Would you like to help munchkin?", I asked and she smiled.

"Come on. Cut up these bananas for me.", I explained and she did exactly as she was told.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs so I look up and saw Roman and Dean.

"Aww look Seth's gonna be a house husband.",Dean said and they both laughed.

"Both of you hush or you won't get one", I said. Not a while after Corey walked down the stairs and said hi to everyone.

"Hey ally. You need any help?", Corey asked.

"No she doesn't Corey.", I said glaring at him.

"Alright chill. I was just trying to be friendly." Corey stated and walked into the living room with Marcos.

As I was serving the smoothies the girls walked down the stairs together.

"Hey Seth whatcha making?", Aj asked trying to see over the counter.

"Don't worry April. I can barely see over the counter too.", Ally said while helping Seth serves the shakes.

"Ok here if you want a shake come get it.", I said.

Everyone grabbed a shake as my parents walked down.

"Morning", Jacey said and smiled at us.

"Hey mom,dad. I make you guys a shake too.", I said and handed the shakes to them.

"I would stay and chat but we need to get going.", Marcos said getting up and grabbing his car keys.

We got to the heliport and the instructor was teaching us the proper technique to skydive or whatever.

Not long after we heard a door open. Great. The wicked witch of the west.

"Hey Marcos. Hi Colby.", Leighla said as she came to hug me.

"Oh now you wanna hug me! Cut the Bullshit.",I snapped. I felt a hand on my back. When I saw it was Celeste I instantly relaxed.

"Don't lose your cool. Colbs.",Ally said as she glared at Leighla.

" Colby how many times do I have to apologize. I want you back.", Leighla said as she tried to grab my hand until Ally step in front me.

"BACK OFF. YOU WHINY SNIVELING LITTLE RICH BITCH.", Ally snapped. I grabbed her shoulders trying to calm her down.

Marcos stepped between all of us.
"Guys can we just try to get along and go skydiving.", He said.

"Fine.",We all said.

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