Rushes and Nervousness

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Seth's Pov

I woke up to my phone ringing and it was Roman. I rubbed my face and looked at the time.

7:36! We have a flight to catch at 8:30

"Kaitlyn! Baby! Wake Up! Kaitlyn" I yelled and shook her

"Ugh yeah babe", she said groaning and rubbing her eyes

"We overslept! It's 7:37!", I replied quickly

"What?!", She said and quickly gets out of the hotel bed and runs to the bathroom.

"Wait?",I say

"What?!", She yelled

"Don't I get a kiss good morning?", I asked and smirked. She groaned and grabbed a pillow of a chair and threw it at me.

"Seth quit playing around we have to get ready", She said grabbing our suitcases and sliding mine to me.

"Where's my Hounds of Justice crop top?!",She yelled frantically looking for it

"Ummmm in here.", I said as I see it in my suitcase. How the hell did it get in here. I was gonna say something but she ran to the bathroom with her clothes,flat iron, and makeup bag. Her and that damn makeup.Whatever

In about 15 minutes Kaitlyn had quickly flat ironed her hair and is almost done putting on her makeup. I'm dressed and put my hair in a bun. I'm looking around for my keys as my phone keeps ringing. I grabbed it a clicked answer.

"WHAT?!?! WE'RE COMING!", I yelled looking for the keys

"Dude chill just hurry we got to go", Roman said

"Yeah Bye", I said and hung up

"K babe I'm ready. I have my phone, suitcase packed, Backpack, wallet IN backpack, room keys and keys.", She said

When she said that last word I turned around and yelled," You've had them this whole time?!?"

She jumped a little startled," Yeah babe chill" She grabbed her sunglasses and stuck a piece of gum in her mouth

"Ok let's go", I said

Kaitlyns Pov

We ran down the stairs, checked out and now we are rushing to the airport.

"Can you drive faster please.!" I yelled at dean

"We if it wasn't for you two dumbasses we wouldn't be late.", Dean snapped

"Babe just drive!", Aj yelled

After a while we made it to the airport and it was about 8:15. We ran through the airport and zoomed through the drop off our suitcases(I don't know what that's called sorry).

We ran to security which took like ten minutes because Aj had to lace and relace her chucks. Then we ran to the terminal just as we were finding the terminal we heard the intercom announce, " Flight 924 to Davenport
in now in it's final boarding process"

"Run!!!!", Aj screamed as we ran

We finally made it to the door and I asked " did it take off?"

"Not yet you just made it!", The flight attendant said. We sighed and showed her our boarding passes

We got on the plane and we all had first class seats.

Dean had Seat 10B
Aj had 10C
Seth had 10A

Layla had 11C
I had 11A
And Roman 11B

We say down and you could hear us all sigh.

"Now tomorrow you get to meet the parents", Roman said as her nudged me

"Yeah think they'll like me?", I asked roman and layla

"Of course they will. Who wouldn't love you?", Layla replied and smiled

"Yeah and I've met Seth's parents and they're nice people. They'll love you"., Roman said

" I hope. I guess I'm a little nervous?", I said and shrugged

"You'll be fine Two-Tones", Roman said and patted my head and the he grabbed Layla's hand.

Hahaha they're so cute. I hope Seth's parents do like me. What happens if they don't?


There you go. Not as great as I thought it would be. Sorry for the crappy chapter but it's just a filler for the next one. I have one more thing I say. No More Ghost Reading.

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Love you guys.

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