Arrival in Davenport

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Kaitlyns Pov

After a long 4 hour flight. We finally arrived to Davenport. We got off the plane and went to baggage claim.
After about 10 minutes I finally found my black and green suitcase and grabbed it. Not long after everybody else found theirs. The guys went to get some rental cars. While us girls waited close by at a Starbucks and got some drinks.

"After traveling here a couple time you notice that Iowa's kinda cute.", Aj said.

"Yeah it's so pretty and quaint. I love small cities.", I said

"But you're from Houston." Paige said and we started laughing.

"So, I didn't really live in the crowded areas. I like living in the country.", I said.

"Country chick.", Layla teased.

"Go ahead not ashamed of it", I said not caring

"Anyways, you ready to finally meet Seth's parents", Aj said

"Yeah I guess. I'm kinda nervous though.", I replied

"Why?", Paige said

"If Seth's parents end up not liking me it might ruin our relationship.", I said then took a sip of my latte.

"There's no way they won't like you Kaitlyn. Who wouldn't like you. You just so loveable.", Aj said

"See I told you Katie. They'll love you", Layla added

"I hope", I said then finished drinking my coffee.

Seth's Pov

The guys and I walked to the enterprise right by the airport and got two cars. I got in a car with Dean and Roman rode with Corey. I for once didn't drive. Dean offered to drive since I haven't got a lot of sleep.

"Soooooooooo before we go get the girls I have a question?", Dean asked.

"What?", I asked

"Do think your parents will like the girls? More importantly do you think they'll like Kaitlyn?", He asked me.

"Well in my perspective I'm thinking and hoping they'll love her but what if they don't what happens then?", I replied

"If you need my advice, Even if they don't like her, which I'm sure they'll will, Who cares? You love her right?", He asked

"Yeah more than anything.", I replied quickly

"Well then who cares you'll still love her anyway. It won't change a thing. ", He explained before starting the car

"I guess you're right.", I said while looking at my phone screen. A picture of me and Kaitlyn while we were setting up the arena for raw and dean photobomb the picture. He's so stupid.

" I'm always right." He gloated

Well we'll just see what happens. God I love this girl with all my heart. I hope this goes well.


I'm finally back. Sorry for the wait guys. I swear I'm gonna be updating more regularly now that winter break is coming up. I hoped you rnjoyed.


Luv yas

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