Water Parks and Bitchy Summers Part 1

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Monday night raw

Seth's Pov

Roman, Dean and I were getting ready for a six man tag against Sheamus, Randy Orton, and the Big Show. I started lacing my boots as Dean sat down next to me on the bench.

"Hey man when's the next day you guys have off?" Dean said while zipping up his vest

"I have the weekend off." I replied while moving to the other boot

" Umm Me and Kaitlyn have this autograph signing on Friday but I'm off Saturday and Sunday" Roman said taping his hands

"You guys are on in twenty", A Crew member reminded us

"Is the divas match next?"Dean asked him

"Yea I believe so",the crew member replied then walked out the room

"Come on let's go watch it",I said as we walked to the screening room

Kaitlyn's Pov

Tonight Layla, Aj and I had a six diva tag match against Emma, Natayla, and Naomi.

"You ready girls?", Aj said as she finished lacing her chucks

"Always." Layla and I replied together

Skipping to the Match

Natalya's music hit and she walked down the ramp.

"The following six diva tag team match is scheduled for one fall.Introducing first from Calgary,Alberta,Canada......


After she got in the ring Emma's music hit and she did her quirky dance moves. "and her tag team partner from Melbourne, Austraila....Emma!"

Then 'Funk is on a Roll' roared through the arena and Naomi started walking down the ramp."And their tag team partner from Planet Funk......Naomi!"

Then we went to commercial.

"Layla? you set?", I asked

"Yep!"she replied quickly

"Ok commercials over your on", a crew member told us.

Then, my music blasts through the arena and the crowd went wild as I raised my title and the horns.

"And thier opponents first, from Houston, Texas.......The DIVAS CHAMPION......Kaitlyn!"

As I got in the ring layla music hit and she started walking to the ring.

"And her tag team partner from Miami, Florida...... Layla!"

As soon as she got in the ring we heard 'Let's light it up' and aj came skipping down the ramp and around the ring. "And their tag team partner from Union City, New Jersey .......Aj Lee!"

Then I handed the ref my title and he gives it to a ring side member and rings the bell.

I went up first against emma and we locked up. I grabbed her arm and twisted behind her back. But she reversed it by elbowing me in the face then I run to clothesline her but she dodges and grabs my leg and rolls me up. I kick out at one then roll her up and she kicks out at two then and I grab her for a neckbreaker.

Then I grab her hair and point at aj. I begin skipping around the ring while holding on to emma hair much like aj and then I throw her into the turnbuckle and tag in layla.

Emma managed to take control long enough to tag in natayla. Nattie performed Nat by Nature then a suplex. Then grabbed layla and turned her over into the Sharpshooter

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