Chapter 2: Introductions pt 1

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(Music background suggestion for this chapter: )

Janus allowed Logan and Patton to have tea with the Princes before he did. He sat outside while the other two went into private chambers, using his spare time to plan how he'd introduce himself. Patton decided to introduce himself to Roman first, since Roman seemed like someone he'd want to talk to. He was quite excited, and took a deep breath to calm his shaking before entering the room where Roman waited. Logan agreed to meet Remus first, since he didn't have a preference either way. He smoothed down the skirt of his dress before entering the room, ready for anything.

"Hello there Patton." Roman greeted, sitting with his legs crossed on a very comfortable sofa. He watched as a servant prepared tea for them, and Patton took a seat on the couch across from him. "Two please." Patton told the servant with a cheerful smile when he was asked how much sugar he wanted. He would've asked for three, but he didn't want Roman to think he was greedy, so he settled for two. Roman had one, his charming smile uninterrupted as he spoke.

Meanwhile, in the other room, Logan watched with a raised eyebrow as Remus had ten cubes of sugar stirred into his tea. Remus grinned, seeming amused by Logan's reaction. Logan sat upright on his couch, while Remus laid down in a bored manner on his. Unlike Remus, Logan politely declined the offer for sugar, preferring his tea plain.

"So, Patton. Tell me about yourself." Roman began as he gently picked up his cup, blowing softly at the tea to cool it. "Well, I enjoy art, taking care of animals, babysitting, horse back riding, dancing, singing, playing the piano, and gardening. I'm also a fan of games, all and every games, even if I don't know how to play them yet." Patton replied excitedly. "How about you?" He then asked Roman, sitting criss cross on the couch as he leaned forward to show his interest.
"I play a variety of instruments, I'm also a writer, an actor, and a hopeless romantic. I enjoy long walks, long rides, long baths, really long anything." Roman began, chuckling a little as he imagined how his brother would react to that last part. "What's funny?" Patton asked curiously, wanting to be in on the joke. "You don't want to know." Roman assured him. "But I do." Patton insisted with a pleading expression. Roman believed Patton could easily get anything he wanted with that look. "I'm not going to be the one that ruins your innocence. Ask my brother when you meet him. He'll tell you." Roman chuckled. "Fine." Patton sighed dramatically, though now curiosity was being ever such a bother.
"Anywho, I share your interests in art, music, horse back riding, dancing, and singing. I've had pets, though I usually have the servants tend to their needs." Roman went on. "I like doing chores, I'm always helping the servants with theirs." Patton explained proudly. "Do you?" Roman asked, surprised by this. Patton nodded, and Roman wondered if he got dizzy from putting so much energy into the nod. "Yeppers! Chores aren't that different than games if you find the fun in them." Patton assured him. "Whatever you say Pat." Roman chuckled, causing Patton to gasp.
"A nickname? I'm honoured! Can I call you Ro?" Patton cheered happily. "Of course!" Roman agreed, his smile growing. He decided he was right about becoming good friends with Patton, if nothing else.

"So Logie, what's your deal?" Remus questioned as he drank the tea, which was more syrup than tea at this point. "My deal? Logan questioned, eyebrow still raised as he observed Remus. "Yeah. You're so stiff. Do you have a stick up your butt or something?" Remus elaborated. Logan's brows furrowed, and he tilted his head. He looked thoughtfully at Remus for a moment, as if Remus had given him a riddle to solve. "No?" He replied, unsure what Remus meant by the phrase.
"Well of course you'd say you wouldn't." Remus scoffed. "I think I'd know if I did, that'd be quite uncomfortable." Logan stated. Remus's bored expression turned into... well, Logan wasn't sure what the expression was. His eyes were widened and his mouth opened a little, but he didn't seem shocked, just taken aback. He then burst into laughter, propping himself up on his arm so he could be more attentive. "I wasn't making a joke..." Logan explained hesitantly, but this only caused Remus to lean forward in laughter. "What's so funny?" Logan asked, his brows tilting upwards as a frown formed on his lips.
"Nothing, nothing." Remus dismissed, sitting upright and waving a hand as he caught his breath. "What I meant was, are you the kind of guy that needs everything to be perfect all the time? Follows all the rules, loses his shit when things go wrong, hates mistakes, things like that?" Remus explained, interrupting himself with small laughs now and then.
"Yes, I suppose. I don't know about the 'losing my shit' part, but that does sound like an accurate description of me." Logan replied with finger quotes. "Fair enough. Things probably aren't going to work out too well between us then, but hey, you managed to give me a good laugh." Remus chuckled. Though he didn't feel too sure about his words.
"Well, give me a chance." Logan stated, his expression softening back to its usual expressionless state. He then smirked, barely enough for Remus to notice, but since he was expressionless most of the time, Remus managed to catch it. "I might surprise you." Logan added, his smirk growing when Remus's taken aback expression returned.
Remus felt his heart skip a beat as Logan looked him up and down, before setting down his sugarless tea and leaning forward. He studied Remus, his expression fading into neutral curiosity.
As Remus looked back at him, he noticed something odd about Logan. His eyes had a softness to them, something that was out of character compared to his stiff demeanour. His eyes gave Remus a comforting feeling, like Logan was someone you could talk to without judgement. How could someone that seemed so impatient have such patient eyes?
"Now, Remus, it is my turn. What is your deal, as you call it?" Logan asked, and Remus felt a catch in his throat. He felt less conflicted about Logan, and the question of bored or intrigued had been answered.

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