Chapter 3: Introductions pt 2

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     (Same song recommendation as last time)

     "My deal?" Remus questioned, feeling nervous as he studied the soft black eyes staring back at him. "Yes. I assume you use humour as a defence mechanism. You're afraid of getting attached to people, so you make them avoid you by making them feel uncomfortable." Logan suggested. "Nah. I'm just like this naturally." Remus denied casually, looking away from Logan and laying back down as he did. He played with his long brown curls absentmindedly, distracting himself from Logan's gaze.
     "I see." Logan replied, unconvinced. "I look forward to getting to know you, Remus." He then decided as he finished his tea and stood up, fixing his dress before offering a hand to Remus. "Yeah, whatever." Remus replied, standing up as well and accepting the hand. Logan kept eye contact with Remus as he shook Remus's hand, and when Remus looked away, he gently brought his free hand to Remus cheek, turning Remus's face back his way. "I will be getting to know you." He stated before taking his leave. Remus watched Logan leave, his heart skipping a beat when Logan smiled at him before closing the door.
     "Oh no..." Remus murmured as he tore his gaze away. "I don't like this... Nope fuck this." Remus whined nervously as he paced around the room, trying to pull himself together. The more he tried to repress it, however, the warmer his cheeks got. "I hate this." He groaned, plopping back down on the couch and screaming into a cushion.

     "It was a pleasure meeting you Patton. Even if things don't become romantic between us, I'd certainly like to be your friend." Roman decided as he stood up. "I'd like that as well!" Patton cheered happily as Roman offered a hand to him. He accepted the hand, and Roman helped him up before kissing the back of his hand. Patton blushed and giggled, shaking his head with the largest of smiles. "I'm supposed to be the one charming you here, Ro." Patton teased as Roman released his hand.
     "Well I suppose you'll have to try harder then. I'm a hard prize to win." Roman returned, holding the door open for Patton. Patton nodded confidently and returned to the waiting area, spinning around before taking a seat.
     Roman smiled and shut the door, then sat back down as he waited for whoever would come next.

     Logan returned to the others and sat down, and the three of them discussed who would go next. "You two can switch places. I'll meet them after you're both done." Janus decided. "And what if they make up their minds and choose the two of us before you even get the chance?" Logan challenged. "Then I have the entire month to change their minds. For now, I'm enjoying the last, but certainly not least approach." Janus answered, waving his hand at Logan dismissively.
     "Very well. Patton, are you alright with this arrangement?" Logan questioned. "Yep! I have to ask Remus why Roman liking long things is funny anyways." Patton agreed, causing Janus to spill out into laughter. "Oh?" Logan asked, tilting his head curiously as Janus's laughter grew. "It seems Janus knows." Logan observed. "Oh, oh you are so precious, both of you." Janus sighed as he caught his breath, taking a handkerchief to dry his eyes with. "Why is it funny?" Patton asked, pouting a little as he crossed his arms. "I'm not telling you. This is far too hilarious to ruin it with mercy." Janus mused. "I suppose you'll have to ask Remus after all." Logan told Patton with a shrug. "I guess so." Patton agreed, and they both left the waiting area.

     Remus was in the process of pouring cold water a servant gave him over his head, causing Patton to giggle as he entered. "Oh, hey there." Remus greeted as Patton sat down. Remus didn't even flinch as an ice cube slid down his back.
     "Hi! It's nice to meet you!" Patton cheered happily. "Thanks. Though I'm sure you think it's nice to meet everyone." Remus chuckled, rolling his eyes. "True!" Patton agreed happily. "Well... Almost everyone..." He then added hesitantly, looking towards the way he came. "Take it the Orphaned Prince isn't the friendly type?" Remus asked, and Patton nodded to confirm it.
     "Anyways..." Patton began before looking back at Remus, his smile returning. "I was wondering if you knew why Roman liking long things was funny? He said he liked long walks, long rides, and most things that are long, then he laughed. He told me to ask you what that meant." Patton explained, causing Remus to snort and roll his eyes. "It's a dick joke." He revealed frankly as the servant poured him another cup of tea. "Huh?" Patton replied before thinking. His cheeks became a deep shade of pink when he realized what the joke meant. "Oh..." He murmured, shifting a bit.
     "You, my friend, are going to be a lot of fun to mess with." Remus decided with a chuckle, causing Patton's discomfort to grow. He eased up a little though as Remus started putting his sugar in. He perked up when he noticed Remus putting in three cubes of sugar, but this changed to surprise when it turned to four, then five, then six lumps. Following the seventh cube, Patton became more and more concerned as Remus was now stirring ten cubes of sugar into his tea.
     Patton decided to put three cubes in his own tea, and Remus smiled at that, as if proud of Patton. "Nice! Break the social norms!" He cheered excitedly, causing Patton to giggle. "You are pretty funny. Strange, but funny." Patton pointed out before he blew on his tea to cool it. "Thanks!" Remus cheered as he drank down the syrup without even bothering to blow on it. "Doesn't that hurt your tongue?" Patton asked, concern returning for Remus. "Eh, my nerves have been through worse." Remus assured him. Patton most certainly did not feel reassured by this information.

     Logan entered the room where he'd be meeting Roman, and found Roman sitting upright, far more attentive and proper than Remus had been. Logan sat across from Roman, once again politely declining the offer of sugar as Roman mixed a single cube into his tea. "You certainly have better self control than your brother." Logan noted. He wondered if Roman had the opposite problem to Remus. While Remus wanted to push everyone away, Roman wanted to please everybody.
     "Yes, my apologies if he bothered you. He can be a bit... out there, if you know what I mean." Roman sighed. "But we were inside." Logan informed him, seeming confused. "Fair enough." Roman chuckled. "As for your brother, I didn't find him bothersome. I actually quite enjoyed his company." Logan stated. "Huh. Well, that's good then." Roman replied, pleasantly surprised by the news. It seemed that, if nothing else, his courtship with Logan would at the very least be interesting.

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