Chapter 8: Dinner pt 1

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     (Song recommendation: )

     (content warning for this chapter: Sexism, transphobia, hinted at child abuse/neglect. Also warning for food, just in case.)

     After the ball was over, the suitors were invited to join the royal family for dinner. The Queen sat at the head of the table, with the King to her left and Maria to her right. Beside Maria sat Roman, then Remus. Beside the King sat Janus, then Logan, then Patton. They gave their prayers to Theia, the Goddess worshiped by the four nations, and then began to eat.
     The first course was appetizers. Queen Agatha, a woman with short curls of auburn hair, multi-coloured eyes, a rainbow amulet, and sharp features, watched as a servant placed mozzarella sticks and calamari on her plate.
     King Richard, a man with long, wavy brown hair, brown eyes, a brown amulet, and soft features gathered plates for his children and then for himself with the help of the servants. For himself, he had some bread, some cheese, and some olives.
     Maria, a young woman with shoulder length curls of ginger hair, many freckles, maroon coloured eyes, and a maroon coloured amulet accepted a plate similar to her mothers, different only due to a couple of olives. Roman accepted a small plate of calamari, grapes, and devil eggs, while Remus accepted a large one with many olives and devil eggs.
     Janus accepted some bread offered to him by a servant, as did Logan, who took a couple of olives as well. Patton was serving himself a plate full of bread, though felt a little embarrassed when he went to add a couple of devil eggs.
     "So, Janus." Queen Agatha began, studying the three suitors thoughtfully before focusing on Janus specifically. "How has running a Queen... or I suppose in your case, Kingdom, been going for you?" She asked, as though she was asking Janus about a silly and spontaneous career he had pursued. "My Kingdom is thriving, and I will do everything within my power to keep it that way." Janus assured her firmly. His tone was slightly threatening, but his expression was friendly.
     "I see..." Agatha replied before sipping from a glass of wine. "I apologize of I offended you. I simply worry for both you and your kingdom, especially since you have no intention on marrying a woman." She sighed. "Of course, you do seem rather intelligent and mature for a man, so I'm sure you are capable. It would have been so much easier on you if your parents had been able to have a girl as well, but... Perhaps Maria can help you with your Kingdom if you do end up marrying one of my sons." Agatha went on. Janus nodded politely as he watched her take another sip of wine. He would let her run her mouth, for now. Though he doubted his patience would last the month if this kept up.
     "And Logan, still no amulet I see." Agatha went on, moving her attentions to the second suitor as she put her glass back down. "No, not yet." Logan confirmed. Remus looked over to Logan curiously after plopping another devil egg into his mouth. "Logan has no amulet?" Roman questioned, his ruby eyes looking curiously at Logan as he clutched his own amulet.
     "Not yet." Logan repeated. "Well let's hope you'll get one this year, otherwise you may not get one at all. I've never known anyone who got their amulet after 25." Agatha sighed. "Of course, some of the most powerful amulets are given to late bloomers." King Richard pointed out, causing Agatha's stern expression to soften into a loving smile.
     "That is very true dear." She happily agreed before eating some calamari. "Take Maria for example, our darling didn't get hers until 23, and she has the gift of sight. The highest honour, a Tiger's Eye from the Goddess herself, the gift to send her vision anywhere she pleases." Agatha praised as she gestured to her daughter. "And Roman, healing powers from a ruby stone at twenty." Richard added proudly. "Yes, that's very impressive." Logan confirmed, forcing a smile as he nodded along.
     "You'll probably have ice powers like your mother. Someone in the family has to. Your sister speaks to fish, doesn't she?" Agatha continued, turning her attention back to Logan. "Yes, Simone can speak to dolphins and whales." Logan confirmed. "And my brother, Nicolaus, can fly." He then added. "Both very lovely gifts in deed, though your Queendom is built on Ice, so one of you should really inherit your mother's ability. I'd hate to see your nation fall due to rotten luck." Agatha sighed.
     Remus watched closely as Logan became more tense. He wondered if his mother was trying to put everyone on edge or if this was just her way of conversation. Then again, based on what he knew of her, it was likely both.
     "Penelope... Er, Patton. Gosh I'll never get used to that... How is your mother doing? I heard she's fallen ill?" Agatha questioned. Patton's smile fell as he buttered his third slice of bread, and he stared thoughtfully as his plate. "Patton?" Richard prompted gently. "Hmm? Oh, yes... Yes she's still ill." Patton confirmed. "Perhaps when Roman and Remus visit your Kingdom for the weekend, Roman can attempt to heal your mother." Agatha offered. Patton lit up and smiled brightly at the idea.
     "Oh could you? Do you think your powers can work on diseases?" Patton asked hopefully. "We can certainly try." Agatha answered for him. Roman nodded politely in agreement. "That'd be wonderful! I didn't even think of that." Patton cheered. "Yes, hopefully it will work. Of course even if it doesn't, I'm sure you'll be a perfectly capable ruler. I know you're technically a man, but, your circumstances are different." Agatha assured Patton, who's smile fell again for a moment. He did his best to force one, however. "I'm not sure what you mean by that, but thank you, I think." He replied.
     "simply mean, that, since... Well, since you weren't born a boy..." Agatha began before getting cut off. "He's just as much a man as we are." Remus huffed, receiving a thankful expression from Patton and a cross one from Agatha. "I told you to be silent for this dinner, Remus." Agatha reminded him sternly. "I told you to be silent for this dinner." Remus mocked. "Remus... please..." Roman whispered, taking his brother's hand and squeezing it gently to comfort Remus. Remus shrugged before putting some olives in his mouth, trying to see how many he could fit.
     "Thank you." Agatha stated before turning back to Patton with a smile. "I know you're a man, and a very fine looking one at that. Your shape shifting is likely to thank for it." Agatha went on. Patton nodded absentmindedly as he ate his bread. "But you'd still be more intelligent and mature than most men, since you were born a girl." Agatha added.
"Just because I was assigned female at birth doesn't mean I was a girl. I've always been male and always will be. I was just born with the wrong parts. It's no different than a kid born with too many fingers." Patton informed her. "Of course, but I'm sure you understand what I mean." Agatha pressed. "We know, dear." Richard assured Agatha gently.

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