Chapter 15: For Once, Dance For You

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(Song suggestion: )

Roman lead Virgil down the castle halls, and smiled as he held the ballroom door open for Virgil. "I realized you spend so much time dancing for work, dancing for the pleasure of others, that you should be permitted to dance for yourself for once. Dance for your own pleasure, at your own pace." Roman explained, nodding to a band that waited on stage. The conductor nodded in turn, and began leading the band into playing a song for them.
Virgil smiled softly as Roman offered a hand to him, and accepted it happily. "You are far too good at this. Are you sure I'm the first person you've pursued?" He questioned as they danced. "You are." Roman assured him. "I've simply been trained in the art of romance... And I've read mountains of romance novels." Roman explained. "Ah, I see. You're a hopeless romantic." Virgil teased as Roman spun him around. Roman pulled Virgil in, placing a hand on his waist with a charming smile. "Hmm... Yes, but I don't feel so hopeless when you're around." Roman returned, causing Virgil's cheeks to warm.
"You are such a charmer." Virgil huffed, rolling his eyes but smiling as he looked into Roman's eyes. "But thanks, I guess." He murmured. "It is my pleasure." Roman declared, moving Virgil to have him move around Roman. "Is it? But I thought this was supposed to be for my pleasure." Virgil returned, laughing softly at his own remark as Roman returned to dancing regularly. "Well, it's my pleasure to pleasure you." Roman stated. "Really?" Virgil questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes." Roman confirmed, stroking Virgil's bangs behind his ear so that he could see the second violet eye. As pretty as they were when they glowed, he was happy to see them when they weren't. It meant Virgil didn't need to use his gift to do this. Besides, they were just as breathtaking without the magical shine.
Virgil looked back into Roman's ruby eyes for a moment, then his eyes flickered for a moment to Roman's lips. He looked at Roman thoughtfully for a moment before looking away, his cheeks becoming red. "I don't know how-" Virgil began, stopping when Roman placed a hand under his chin and gently titled Virgil's face to look at him.
"How to what?" Roman prompted, not meaning to interrupt. "H-how to... Respond. Or... I don't know how to feel... pleasure..." Virgil stammered, furrowing his brows as he realized how weird that sounded. "I mean... I'm used to feeling stress, or pain... I'm not used to this." He elaborated as Roman moved the hand to cup his cheek. "I'm not used to wanting anything more than just my family's comfort and survival... Or my own survival. So this... This thing with you and Remus... It feels wrong in a way. I don't feel like I belong here, with you. I don't feel like I'm supposed to feel this way." Virgil rambled.
"What way?" Roman questioned as he studied Virgil, wishing more than anything to help him. "Like I'm flying... I'm used to feeling like I'm being torn apart, but you make me feel weightless, fluttery, and free." Vrigil explained, looking at Roman with a pained expression. He looked at Roman as if the Prince was just out of his reach, even though he was already in Roman's arms.
"Good." Roman said in a firm tone. Virgil looked at Roman as if Roman had given him a difficult riddle.
"Can I kiss you?" Roman then requested, causing Virgil to stumble and nearly slip, but Roman caught him and helped him back up. Virgil's blush deepened and spread to his ears, and he stared at Roman with wide eyes as Roman chuckled nervously. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle y-" Roman began, cut off when Virgil quickly kissed him.
Roman wrapped both his arms around Virgil's waist and closed his eyes, returning the kiss as his heart raced. He hoped this wouldn't cause too much trouble with his brother, but he loved Virgil, and even if he wasn't chosen when their game was over, he wanted to give Virgil the love and happiness he felt the violet dancer deserved. Perhaps he'd be causing more trouble than pleasure, but for now, they were alone, and they were happy, and at this moment, that was all that mattered.

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