Chapter 4: Introductions pt. 3

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     (Same song recommendation as parts 1 and 2)
     (Unless you're getting tired of that song by now. Then here's an alternative: )

     "So, Logan, tell me about yourself." Roman began as he blew on his tea and took a sip. "Well, my interests include but are not limited to charting stars, reading, writing, scientific experiments, and bettering myself through knowledge, healthy habits, and spiritual practices." Logan began. "I am quite skilled in academics, and I am highly respected by my kingdom." He went on, oblivious to Roman's widened eyes. Logan stated many big words all at once and Roman was having a hard time keeping up.
     "So what you're trying to say, or at least what I'm hearing, is that you are a giant nerd." Roman stated simply. "I suppose you could say that." Logan confirmed hesitantly. "Wonderful." Roman sighed, though clearly he didn't think it was. "Is something the matter?" Logan questioned. "No, it's fine." Roman assured him, his smile less genuine as he returned to his polite demeanour. "Alright. Anything of interest I should know about you?" Logan questioned.
     "Well, I'm an actor in my spare time, and a singer. Really performing in general is my passion." Roman began, his smile growing a little. "I see. I'm not really one for theatre, but to each their own I suppose." Logan commented. "Same goes for me and the sciences." Roman returned, rolling his eyes a little. He was starting to doubt his assumption that Logan was interesting.
"Fair enough. Anything else you'd like to know about me?" Logan questioned. "Not really." Roman admitted. "In that case, I suppose I'll take my leave." Logan sighed. He stood up, and Roman did as well. "Farewell for now then. I'll see you again at the ball." Roman replied as he offered a hand. Logan nodded and shook the hand, blinking in surprise as Roman took the hand and kissed the back of it. "Of course." Logan replied simply, taking his hand away before leaving the room.

     "So Patty, what do you do for fun?" Remus asked after putting down his cup. Patton lit up at the nickname, and happily began to list his interests. Remus laid down as he listened, nodding along at the different interests. "Wow, you really are sweet and innocent aren't you?" Remus chuckled as he played with his curls absentmindedly.
"Yep! I'm everyone's Happy Pappy Patton!" Patton cheered as he studied Remus. "Hmm... That's how everyone sees you, but are you really that pure?" Remus questioned with a smirk. Patton's expression shifted for a moment, but returned to normal instantly. "Yep! Why wouldn't I be?" Patton giggled. "Well, everyone has something to hide." Remus replied with a shrug. "Well, not me." Patton assured him. "We'll see about that." Remus replied with a shrug.
"What do you like to do for fun?" Patton then asked, fidgeting but keeping up his cheerful attitude. "Arson, dissecting things, pranks, and war crimes." Remus replied. He never actually committed a war crime, but the uncomfortable expression on Patton's face was worth the lie. It was more of a joke than a lie, but still.
"Oh..." Patton replied awkwardly. "Uh... Pranks can be fun. What kind of pranks have you done?" He asked, attempting to make the best of this. "One time I put a paper bag full of brown paint on one of the chairs, so when a staff member sat on it, it looked like he had shat himself." Remus snickered. "Well, that's not very nice." Patton replied, trying his best not to laugh. "Oh? Then why are you laughing?" Remus questioned, smirking as he sat up. "I-I'm not." Patton insisted, a little bit of laughter escaping. It almost sounded like crying when he tried to hold it back.
"Another time I put a potato sack full of rats in the kitchen. The chef was terrified." Remus went on. "Were the rats okay?" Patton gasped, concerned for the animals involved. "Yeah. I left some potatoes in there for them to munch on, and potatoes need to breath too so the sacks had holes in them." Remus assured Patton. "They we're only in there for a few hours anyways." He added. "That's good at least... I still feel sorry for the chef though." Patton sighed. "Eh, she'll live." Remus dismissed.
"What about you? Have you ever committed a prank?" Remus asked. "Nope." Patton answered quickly. "You sure? You said they could be fun." Remus reminded him. "Yeah, but I've never done any." Patton stated. "Alright, want to keep that reputation of yours, I get it." Remus snickered. "What about war crimes? Did you commit any war crimes?" He asked with a grin.
"No, of course not!" Patton gasped, causing Remus to laugh. "Sure you haven't." He teased, though he did believe Patton, he just enjoyed messing with him. "Why are you like this?" Patton stammered after stumbling over himself to find the words. "I just am." Remus replied with a shrug, laying back down and resting his arms behind his head. "Hmm..." Patton hummed, staring at his empty tea cup with a worried look before setting it down.
"Well... This was certainly interesting. I will see you later Remus." Patton announced before standing up. "Aww, leaving so soon? Alright then." Remus sighed, not bothering to get up as he waved goodbye to Patton. Patton returned the wave, attempting to remain cheerful as he took his leave. Remus had gotten on a few nerves, but Patton was sure there was still hope. Then again, maybe it may be best to focus his efforts more on courting Roman, and make a good impression with Remus just for the sake of getting on good terms with him as a possible brother in law.

"How did you your meetings go?" Janus asked when the two of them returned. "Well enough." Logan stated. Patton nodded in agreement, trying his best to hide his discomfort. "Remus is... Interesting." Patton said with a strained voice. "Indeed he is. I look forward to getting to know him more." Logan agreed, though his tone was more genuine. "And Roman?" Janus inquired, smirking at the free information he was receiving from his rivals. "Roman's amazing!" Patton blurted, his mood improving when he remembered his meeting with Roman. "Roman is alright." Logan stated simply.
Janus nodded at the two contradicting opinions. He decided that if Logan preferred Remus, and Patton preferred Roman, it was likely that Remus was more intelligent, while Roman was more social. "Very well. Thank you for the information. I look forward to seeing you both at my wedding, whichever twin might be the groom." Janus remarked confidently before getting up and walking towards the two doors. Logan rolled his eyes as he sat down. Patton just looked confused as he did the same.
"Now, who should I visit first?" Janus mused.

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