Chapter 5: Introductions pt 4

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(Song suggestion for this chapter: )
(The songs from the first two chapters would also work though.)

Janus decided to flip a coin, heads for Roman, tails for Remus. Getting Roman, he entered the room where Roman would be and sat on the sofa in front of him. He smirked when he noticed Roman's mood quickly change from irritation to anticipation. Seems Janus had succeeded in making an impression. "Hello, Roman." He greeted, studying the Prince as he mimicked Roman's way of sitting. "Hello, Janus." Roman replied, smiling politely as the servant offered them both tea.
Roman politely declined the offer, having had enough tea for the day. Janus accepted the offer, but chose to pour it himself. Roman watched curiously as Janus stirred a single cube of sugar into his tea, then put it down so it could cool. "So, Roman, tell me about yourself." He began, but he held up a finger to stop Roman as soon as he had begun to speak.
"Not simple things. I can learn your likes and dislikes and whatnot naturally. I want to know more more personal things. Doesn't have to be a secret or anything like that, but things you want, things you dread, things you look for in a partner. Those things are more useful to me." He instructed. "And why would I tell you things like that?" Roman questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Shouldn't I as your future husband know what to provide or protect you from?" Janus stated innocently. "You're awfully bold, aren't you?" Roman commented. "Perhaps, but I've seen my competition, and I've seen the impression you've made on them, and I assume the impression they made on you is similar. I can tell I'm in the lead." Janus replied.
Roman thought about Janus's words, deciding he'd have a cup of tea after all. Janus drank from his own cup as Roman made his, watching his movements carefully. He smirked when he saw Roman also used one lump of sugar, which was a very small thing, but still something he felt he should note. "Bold of you to assume they're your only competition." Roman interrupted Janus's thoughts as he took a sip from his tea.
"I suppose you do have a point... The whole world is my competition." Janus agreed, setting his own cup down. He stood up and walked around, Roman's gaze following him. Janus walked around the couch Roman sat on, standing behind Roman. He placed his hands on Roman's shoulders, causing Roman to blush as he leaned down. "But I also know the impression I've made on you, my Prince." He whispered into Roman's ear, causing Roman's blush to deepen. "Though if your heart belongs to another..." Janus then began to ponder as he pulled away. "Well, won't this be a challenge if that's truly the case?"
Roman attempted to keep from seeming flustered as Janus returned to his own couch, but unfortunately for him, Janus could tell. Janus had a knack for reading people, and while Roman certainly wasn't the most open of books, that wasn't going to stop him. "So, who is it that has stolen your heart from me?" Janus questioned, looking at Roman attentively. "Like I'd tell you." Roman chuckled. "Suit yourself. I'm sure I'll come in the lead regardless. I have a month to do so."
Roman just silently drank his tea, wondering whether to play along with Janus's earlier request or change the subject completely. "So, about those wants and fears?" Janus prompted, intertwining his fingers in a thoughtful and villainous style. "I want to perform for a living, to see the world, and-" Roman began before pausing. "And?" Janus pressed, his eyes glowing a little. "I want to be free... Free of peoples expectations, of being stuck in the castle all day, free to be myself." Roman admitted.
"See? Was that so hard?" Janus teased. Roman didn't answer. He just thought for a moment before moving on. "As for fears... I'm afraid of rejection, failure, and... regret." He continued, studying Janus's glowing eyes. "I'm afraid to be myself, because I'm afraid if I do, I'll be rejected, but... I'm also afraid that I'll never show myself at all." He elaborated.
Janus nodded as the glowing calmed, smiling softly as he moved to sit next to Roman. "Well, if it's any consolation..." He began as he took Roman's cheek in his gloved hand. "I like what I've seen so far." He assured. "You only want me because it will make your kingdom stronger." Roman sighed as he took Janus's hand away from his face.
"That's one perk, yes." Janus admitted, taking hold of Roman's hand. "But that doesn't mean I'm lying." He stated as he took Roman's hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. Roman blushed, tucking a loose strand of hair behind his ear. "You'll say the same things to Remus, and he's my opposite." Roman huffed, taking his hand away. "Perhaps I will. Who says I can't have both of you." Janus mused, causing Roman to raise an eyebrow. "What can I say?" Janus began as he stood up and walked towards the door. "I'm a competitive man." He stated. He then left the room, leaving Roman alone with his thoughts.

Now it was time to meet Remus. Janus was amused when he entered the room to find Remus upside down on the couch, pouting as he glared at Janus. "Took you long enough." He huffed. "My apologies, your majesty. I didn't mean to leave you to your boredom. Would it help if I said you're awfully ravishing?" Janus charmed with a bow.
"Save the charms for by brother." Remus dismissed before sitting back up. "He's the hopeless romantic." Remus scoffed. "Good to know." Janus replied, smiling as he sat across from Remus. "Then what does work on you?" Janus questioned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. Remus rolled his eyes. "Rats I guess." Remus answered, saying the first thing that came to mind.
"Oh, I like you." Janus cooed as he studied Remus. "But for real, this time. What does work on you, darling?" Janus asked again, his eyes glowing yet again. Remus shrugged, but then thought about it. "I don't know... Usually I just chase after people that I know want nothing to do with me or I know I can't be with cause I know it'll never happen, so I won't get hurt." He admitted. "Why do you think you'll get hurt otherwise?" Janus prompted as he began to make his tea. "Because..." Remus began, oddly feeling like he could be honest with Janus. Though he didn't trust that feeling... It felt unnatural.
"I'm too much for people." He finally muttered before looking away. "I see..." Janus replied, studying Remus thoughtfully. "Well, I doubt you could be too much for me." Janus assured him. "Yeah, right." Remus huffed before laying down on the couch. "Who told you that?" Janus then questioned, his tone much softer and more genuine than it usually was. He could feel his competitive instincts fading with Remus, feeling like his priorities were changing as he talked to him. He was starting to feel more like he wanted to protect Remus, to care for Remus, more than win him over.
"What do you mean?" Remus muttered. "Who told you that you're too much to handle?" Janus clarified. "Most people." Remus muttered. Janus huffed in response, feeling as if he had been offended somehow. "Well. I know I just met you, but... even if you don't end up choosing me, I think I'd like to be your friend." He decided, causing Remus to look up in confusion.
"You're weird." Remus mumbled as he began to sit up again. "Isn that the best way to be?" Janus pointed out, causing Remus to laugh. "Okay, you know what? I kind of like you... You're kinda sus, but I like you." Remus decided. "I am honoured." Janus chuckled, smiling as he finished his tea. "I will see you in the ballroom, Remus. Perhaps we can enjoy causing some mayhem together." He decided as he got up. Remus nodded eagerly, watching with a grin as Janus left.

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