Chapter 12: Roses and Violets

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(Song recommendation: )

(Virgil's dress for today)

     Virgil arrived to the court yard at about eleven fifty, not wanting to be late

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Virgil arrived to the court yard at about eleven fifty, not wanting to be late. He smiled at a bouquet that awaited him on the fountain, a bunch of roses and violets wrapped in a beautiful white fabric, tied together in a black ribbon. He picked up a note beside the bouquet, walking over to sit on a nearby bench as he read it. 'Follow the petals' it said.
Virgil looked up and noticed a path of red and purple flower petals that started at the fountain. He chuckled a little before standing up and following the petals. "Leave it to Roman to make everything suspenseful." He sighed, his tone sarcastic but fond as he fidgeted with the bouquet. He followed the trail through the courtyard, the gardens, and eventually back into the castle. "Where exactly is this taking me?" He wondered as he followed it down the halls.
Eventually the path took him past the library, where the sound of Remus's voice made him pause. "-helpful in your attempt to court me isn't it? One step closer to making your kingdom stronger, right?" Remus huffed as Virgil hid by the door and listened in. He wondered if he should be eaves dropping, his heart dropping to his stomach as he listened to Logan's response.

     "I don't think anyone's ever felt relaxed around me..." Remus muttered.
"You make me want to open up to you... I mean, Janus kinda did too, but I think that had something to do with his gift. You... It feels natural with you." He admitted.
"Oh?" Logan asked hopefully.
"Yeah, and I hate it. I'm not really... I don't like being vulnerable." Remus growled.
"Well... I don't either. Opening up is difficult for me as well." Logan admitted.
"Though it seems that fighting the urge to open up is a waste of time, since we'll eventually open up regardless of our best effort." He added.

     Virgil sighed and walked away from the library, clutching the bouquet tightly. He hated this, he hated feeling guilty, and indecisive, and jealous, and insecure. He hated not knowing what he wanted, and his urge to just run away. Then again, maybe it was a good thing. Maybe Remus could have Logan, and then Virgil's choice would be easier... Then again, Roman seemed to be getting along quite well with Patton, and Janus seemed to have a way of flustering him. Perhaps Virgil had waited too long.
     Virgil growled at himself and stopped walking, thrusting the bouquet at the ground. Regret washed over him immediately afterwards, and he fought the urge to cry as he picked the bouquet back up. Virgil took a deep breath, hoping to calm himself. He felt quite hopeless at the moment, but hopefully after his date with Roman, if it was a date, he would feel reassured.
     With that, he nodded and continued on his way, attempting to recover from the war of emotions inside of him. He followed the path until it lead him to the castle's theatre, where he could hear the music of a piano playing. He smiled softly as he walked inside, the entire place decorated with roses, violets, and flower petals.
     Roman was up on the stage playing the piano, seeming lost in the music he was playing. Virgil soon became lost in it as well, taking a seat and feeling his anxieties melt away as he watched Roman play. The passion Roman had for everything he did, the excitement and courage Roman had... Virgil couldn't help but love him for it. Due to his anxiety, bravery was a stranger to Virgil, but being around Roman made him want to be brave, to be better.
     (Roman's dress for today)

     Roman's song came to an end, and he smiled softly when he saw Virgil

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     Roman's song came to an end, and he smiled softly when he saw Virgil. Virgil returned the wave, and Roman began playing his song again, this time singing the words. Virgil felt his heart fluttering as he watched, completely and simply enamoured.
     Roman's song yet again came to an end, and Roman smiled as he stood up and curtsied. Virgil put aside the bouquet so he could applaud, watching in admiration as Roman stepped down from the stage and walked over to him.
     "Hello, my violet." Roman greeted, helping Virgil up before kissing the back of his hand. "Hey Princey." Virgil greeted, this being a nickname he had given Roman when they first met. Roman chuckled and spun Virgil around, causing Virgil to laugh as what was left of his nerves tumbled off of him. "How are you always in such a good mood?" Virgil teased as Roman took one of the violets and tucked it behind Virgil's ear. "That's because I'm always with you when you see me." Roman answered, causing Virgil to blush and laugh again. "Such a charming Prince you are." Virgil chuckled, shaking his head and smiling like a fool.
     "Well of course, I aim to destroy the myth that there's no such thing as Prince Charming ." Roman stated proudly before linking his arm with Virgil's. "Now, let us be off, my beloved. I have a surprise for you." Roman declared. "Another one?" Virgil asked, following as Roman walked with him out of the theatre. "Well of course! I have many up my sleeve." Roman assured him. "Whatever you say Princey." Virgil sighed, his tone once again sarcastic but fond.

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