a note/trigger warnings

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I have and will keep this note the same as I had originally written it but please note it was written way before the abuse and the shitty apology came to light! I no longer support or care for wilbur as I stated previously

Hi! So, this is written purely for fun and as a way to test out a writing style for me :)

I basically came up with this idea while writing DEMONIC, which is a Colby brock fic with trans male oc, which in in fact Harvey.

As I did with with Demonic, there isn't really a set face claim for Harvey just because its really hard to find one that is trans and looks close to how I picture Harvey. So instead I kinda just use random pictures from pintrest

This fic will be basically a prequel to that but you don't need to read that to u derstand this story. and it's the same Harvey just two years prior. I'm not at all good with timeline nor do I watch a lot of the dreamsmp content creators but I figured why not and I've read too many of the male oc fics on here involving the content creators so....why not?

If I get something wrong or I've written in something that content creators mentioned are not comfortable with, please let me know!

That being said, please do not make any of them aware of this lmao. Not that they'd find it, I just don't want to be perceived by big content creators lmao

One other thing, Harvey Winters is my male oc and he is transgender. I am also a trans male so many of his struggles/experiences are based off of my own. Not every trans person experiences being trans the same way so be respectful of this <3

The playlist I'm adding isn't in any particular order because I hate order sometimes and my brain scrambles a lot >:) it's the most likely undiagnosed adhd brain going brrr

Last things last, I am american (unfortunately) so it will most likely be inaccurate about england/Brighton because my knowledge of British slang and terms is from my Dan and Phil phase and the few things I've learned from history and geography classes.

Bear with me because I have very little idea of what I'm doing and I don't actually know how twitch works half the time so I'm just kinda drawing from other fics I've read

Just to real quick loop back to the fact I an terrible at timelines/dates/years/etc., Harvey and Wil's ages will be set as 23/24 because its easier for my brain to keep track that way.

As far as dates go, imma say this starts early 2020 just before covid hits. Regarding the vid, while I will include it as part of the story it won't be as severe/prominent as it actually is. I don't do this as a way to make it seem not that bad more as for sake of I don't wanna write about rona and I'm sure no one wants to read about

Trigger warnings for the following, if you are triggered or hurt by any of the following I suggest skipping those parts. I will usually put a warning at the beginning of the chapter and any very severe or heavier triggers I will put multiple warnings of.

- mentions of abuse
- descriptions of dysphoria and body image
- anxiety attacks/panic attacks
- self-harming behavior and ideation
- mentions of past trauma
- unsafe binding
- deadnaming
- transphobia
- homophobia

Any others that come up I will try my best to give warnings. If something does happen and I didn't put a warning, please please don't hesitate to tell me, I never want to put readers in a situation where they get triggered from my writing.

Also, I will not be writing any smut because 1, I'm not comfortable doing that and 2, I'm pretty sure wilbur has said before he doesn't like being sexualized (correct me if I'm wrong but I think I read that somewhere)

Harvey will write a couple songs and since I'm not smart enough I'm using cavetown songs (specifically the ones in the playlist) because musical boyfriends makes me happy :))

Ik I referenced cavetown in Demonic but shhhh

ANYWAYS, please enjoy whatever this becomes >:)))

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