♤0.4 - platonic soulmates♤

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The next two days still weren't great for Harvey's anxiety and it was starting to worry not only Lake, but Salem and Argo as well.

Most times in these situations, Harvey would lock himself away until the feeling of dread and buzzing exhaustion burned away. However, this is never very healthy and Lake didn't know what to do to help. So, recruiting the only other two people Harvey trusted and knew enough were texted.

Flat rats 🐀
3 users
Witchy 🐀(salem)
Pocket 🐀(argo)
Slenderman 🐀 (Lake)

Slenderman 🐀

Hey can you guys come over

Witchy 🐀

I'm not home but Argo is 🤠
I can probably be over in like 10 mins tho

Pocket 🐀

Uhhh I mean I can but I'm in the middle of a Mario cart tournament 😶

Slenderman 🐀

Im just really worried about Ev

He's been in his room all day barely making a noise

Idk how to help him. I think his first stream freaked him out

Witchy 🐀

Woah we got nicknames now??

In all seriousness I'm actually coming over. If he's been inside all day in this state he needs someone to drag him outside and feel actual air and shit on his face. You can come with us if you want or if you'd feel better but I also know he's going to protest it because he hates feeling like he's worried anyone. If I just drag him out with me to do whatever he'll think I'm just being an annoying best friend.

Slenderman 🐀

Thank you so much salem


itchy 🐀

Yeah yeah let me in slender man 👻👻

Harvey groaned in slight annoyance when his bedroom door opened while he burried his head into his pillow. He didn't feel like being awake or productive.

It was Saturday, he wanted his rest and not face the inpending struggle of being a student abroad or the thousands of notifications running across his phone screen. He knew his flatmate was worried about him, having gotten a gentle knock or quick acknowledgement every half hour or so.

If he was being completely honest with himself, it was making him feel an immense amount of guilt.

"Harvs. You need to get up. It's not raining yet but it looks like it's about to." The gentle voice of Salem brought him out of his blankets. If there's one thing he definitely didn't want to do right now, it was going outside and being out if his room.

Though, the chance of rain was pretty tempting.

So, he reluctantly gets up and takes another shower, changing into a clean outfit and sighing in slight annoyance when a slight pain stings his side from his binder. Throwing his shirt over his head, Harvey pouts when he doesn't look quite flat enough.

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