♤1.6 - fiona ♤

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A/n : this chapter is gonna focus mostly on Fiona and also timeskip through most of quarantine :))

Tw/cw : mentions of abuse, yelling, anxiety, depression, mentions of self-harm/selfharming behavior, neglect, overall just not good parenting

Fiona stared out of the window longingly. It was currently raining and she was almost joyful for the weather.

Much like her older brother, Fiona loved the rain. She loved the way it would fall on the window panes, loved the way it sometimes was loud enough it drowned out the noises of constant yelling matches, loved the way it brought worms and a fresh earthy scent out to the surface.

She especially loved the way it would feel on her skin and covered the fact that she had been crying.

In some sick way, she even liked how it would sting the fresh scars littering her arms and if she stood out in it long enough she'd get sick and shiver at its abrasive cold.

The one thing she never liked about rain, however, was the aggressive thunderstorms that sounded much too loud and much too close for her comfort.

She could barely stand typing on devices when she heard it but she needed a distraction none the less, calling her two current best friends through discord. Both of which she was pretty sure had never met.



The two accents contrasted and made her smile just slightly before she flinched harshly at both the sound of another roll of thunder and the slamming of the front door.

"Hey boys....uh Tommy this is Ran. Ran, Tommy. You're both so much better at calming me down than me right now and god throwing a tantrum isn't doin great for me."

She immediately caught the worried look on Tommy's face, him having his facecam on as usual when they called. Ranboo didn't and she knew that was mostly due to his not wanting to. They seen each other in class plenty of times but she knew it was rare for him to show any part of his face on the internet. (Though he had told her he planned on maybe doing it soon)

"Oh, that's no good. Hey, Fin do you have that plush you were telling me about the other day?"

Fiona nodded, her camera also on despite her rather unpleasant appearance. She also knew she probably should have thrown a hoodie on or even some bracelets because at the moment, all of the scars were on display and she winced at the realization she could see Tommy's brain working in fast motion.

He looked sad and slightly guilty in his expression and it only made her feel bad. She knew he wouldn't say anything, he may be a loud and impulsive individual but when it came to serious and personal things like this he never said anything out loud.

Fiona stood up quickly and grabbed the plushie. It was a small greyish brown rabbit with a pink ribbon tied around its neck and soft floppy ears that she'd fiddle with whenever she need physical comfort.

Sitting back in her chair, Fiona sighs and leans her chin on the top of her knee caps.

"Fi, you know what's really cool. What's really pogchamp?"

Fiona smiled affectionately and laughed softly as Tommy went on a long winded rant about something he was building on the smp and about Tubbo and Lake. She was glad he knew exactly how to distract her as Ranboo occasionally made his input with a reminder or two for Fiona to calm her nerves with small requests to drink water or squeeze the stuffed bunny in her arms. A monotone "I think tech needs a hug," or "hydrate or I'm throwing the notes away," distracting her from the raging storm.

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