❦ 2.0 - the final chapter ❦

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Standing in front of airports were never a big part of Harvey's plans, nor was crying while he stared at his boyfriend of the last year and a half.

Fiona had gone ahead, anxious to get back to the states and opting to skip out on the emotion fest.

Sighing, Harvey tries to keep his will strong. He needed to keep it together.

"Don't miss me too much, Harvey."

All he could do was nod as he was pulled into Lake's embrace.

"You're asking the impossible here, Lake"

"Yeah well, you've always known how to fix that"

Harvey laughed and rolled his eyes, pulling away and using his sweater sleeve to dry his eyes. The sweater was originally the taller's but the unspoken offer when Harvey hadn't taken it off and Lake hadn't said a word.

"You're gonna be late if you don't leave now"

"I know. Wait for me?"

"Of course"

With hesitation, Harvey turned and went inside with a brown suitcase and bright blue suitcase rolling behind him.

It hurt to leave for such an unclear timeline, not sure if or when he'd be returning. But he had to do this. For his sister's sake.

The adoption process was long and rigorous. On top of that, getting visas and approval for the two that would allow them to permanently move to the UK was a small struggle.

But somehow, Harvey and Lake made it work. They called and messaged as often as they could and whenever Lake would be in the states for a convention or event (for example Vidcon) Harvey was there with Fiona tagging along.

It took nearly a year to get everything sorted and Harvey had just the perfect idea to suprise his boyfriend of his arrival and permanency home.

It was the last day of Lovejoy's first tour. And Harvey was in the crowd, amongst some of the most impressive secret keepers he could have ever met.

How he hadn't been spotted by a fan and spammed on twitter was a miracle.

rece | harveburrty

imagine if Harvey comes back to the uk by just showing up at a Lovejoy gig 👀

harveylosed liked

willow | willowverse


Harvey laughed as he put his phone back in his pocket. His timeline had began freaking out due to him liking a few tweets.

"You excited?"

"I haven't seen him properly in person for months Ash, of course I am!" The bassist laughed as he led Harvey and Fiona to the green room.

The plan was to get Ash to Harvey and have him bring both Winters siblings back. Ash had lied and said he was going out to get some air but viola, Harvey.

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