chapter 1

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"Ah, here we go. Our destination is an unknown planet in the Virgo Stellar Stream. It's a sub-tropical planet with very few climate fluctuations throughout the year. From the readings, there are few known inhabitants on this planet, aside from the local flora and fauna. We are to locate them and establish communications. Time to destination, two hours, twenty minutes," Sabrina commented absentmindedly. "Relaying coordinates to Sypher now."
"Got 'em."
"Set a course Mr. Sypher." Mercea pressed one of the coms on his chair arm. "Attention crew of USS Nuada. Prepare all stations for warp." He lifted his finger from the button and rested his arm back into it's previous position on his lap. "Warp in three... two... one..."
Stars began to wosh past, blurring as they went by. Sabrina held on to one side of her chair to keep herself steady as she continued typing.

Virgo stellar streamWhere stories live. Discover now