Untitled Part 10

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Red Bear stood from his spot on the floor after explaining to Mambo what had happened. Mambo just sat there, staring off into the some corner of the room, his eyes unseeing.
Yuki scooted until she was next to him, her own eyes showing in the dark. She saw right away that it was a mistake. Mambo had decided to refocus just as she was reaching him. He screamed, pushing himself away from her, only to be stopped by the cold of the wall. The soothing hand of Red Bear landed on his shoulder.
"Shhh," Red Bear whispered softly as he tried to calm Mambo down. "Now," he continue in soft tones, "this is Yuki, she is not human. Just like you and I. Yet just like everyone in this room." Yuki lifted her pant leg to show the bionic leg that lay beneath. "We all have differences in what did to us, depending on what they deem necessary for each one of us. We age slower than we used to. And Yuki here practically ages like a vampire."
"A what?" Yuki asked.
Red Bear shook his head slightly. "Nevermind. Anyway, I have told you about our plan of escape. Why don't we go ahead and try that now."
Jon Paul, who had been mostly silent up until that point, stood almost on que. "Is everyone ready?"
"I am," Yuki chimed.
"Alright, Mambo, all you have to do is focus on moving the wall."
With a nod from Mambo, they all began focusing on the one wall in which they were all initially thrown through. The voices on the other side were still yelling, but seemed to have abated while they held their own conversation.
"Let's tear down this wall," Jon Paul uttered.
Their combined will power began to bend and warp the wall. Minutes seemed to pass when it had only been seconds. An oblong oval started to appear and light flooded in, illuminating everyone's face.
A smirk crossed Jon Paul's face. "I knew you could do it, Mambo. Alright Red Bear, you first." He grabbed the edges of the opening they had just created and molded it out to where they could fit through.
"Let's go."
They clambered their way out of the prison that was their room and began down the hallway; hoping it was they way out. We were still able to hear the voices arguing in the distance. The clanking of Shinchi's metal leg grew louder as they pushed themselves to move faster. As we turned a corner, we were halted by the figure of a man halfway down the hall with a gun in hand. His head turned and his hard glare found them.
"Run, go... go now," Red Bear urged, pushing them back the way they had come.
A shot rang out. Yuki stumbled momentarily as the shot hit her automail. She landed into Red Bear, who righted her and pulled her along.

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