Untitled Part 39

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"I'm Yuki," she replied, taking the supervisor's hand in hers and shook. "I'm guessing you ran into that doctor on your way in. I won't be surprised if she's already told you that we aren't quite like you or her." Yuki smiled as a small thread of a silly thought passed through her mind. She hadn't had a reason to think it, and as she realized that, she laughed. Realizing it was Jon Paul who had thought it, Yuki skewed her features in amused disappointment at him.
"Jon, please stop. It's not an appropriate time for that."
Jon Paul guffawed with shock that Yuki had purposefully spoke aloud.
Yuki shook her head at him before looking back at Sabrina. "Like I was saying; we aren't like you are. We have some," she pause for a second, "abilities that our home world won't accept, and I'm afraid that we've frightened that doctor you followed in. Each of us changed in a way that is considered not normal on our planet; or even considered living beings. Sorry. I'm talking in circles and riddles here." Yuki stood and lifted the pant leg of her automail leg to reveal the metal underneath. She lifted a panel, revealing the complex machinery that lay within. "Showing you was the only way to fully explain." She closed the panel and lowered her pant leg. "I also have another ability that Jon Paul over there can also do. We see things, not like you would normally, if we concentrate.
"Mambo here is also different." Mambo kneeled as if on cue and, as the knee of his pants ripped open, revealed the empty canon. After everyone had gotten a good look, stood. Yuki knew very well how quiet the room had gotten that Mambo wouldn't want to show his arm, now hiding behind his back, that transformed into a sword. It's okay, Yuki cooed telepathically to Mambo. "All of us can communicate telepathically to each other. Only I seem to be able to do other than what it was designed for. Each of us are from other planets and galaxies. So there is no telling what else was done physically. What we do know is that, even though we are half machine, we are alive."
"I believe that to those on earth we are considered cyborgs. I hope my home will accept back since you seem to be from it," Red Bear interjected. His face had drawn tight with the stress and tension within him. Though he knew that it wouldn't show. The facial tattoos he bore allowed for a calm, and slightly intimidating, front. Mambo's snowy eyes on the other hand showed the emotions that lie beneath.
Yuki glanced around the room, her golden eyes putting fear into any nurse that they landed on.

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