Untitled Part 9

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Captain Mercea slammed the last one against the wall with a grunt. "Why the hell were you trying to attack us? Do you not realize that we're trying to improve the lives of this planet?
"Enough," Sabrina shouted before grinding her teeth together. "This foolishness has gone to far, captain. We are not here to hurt anyone. You know well enough about that."
Mercea glared at her over his shoulder. "They attacked us."
"They didn't attack us, sir. You were the first the charge right in and demand compliance. They weren't given a choice but to defend. Now, that they are all bloody and bruised, and from my perspective pretty ticked off at us, do you want to follow through with why we're here?"
Mercea let the man he was holding drop to the floor in a heap. He scanned every face in the room, his eyes hard and calculating. "Question them first. They wouldn't have fought back as much if there wasn't something going on here."

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