Untitled Part 36

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Entering the medical bay, Mambo seemed to relax a little.
The room was brightly lit, showing white everything. Smells of disinfectant and new, freshly out of the plastic, rubber tubing. Yuki hated the smell. It reminded her too much of the place they just escaped. Just the smell of the cleaned and recycled air reminded her of it. She focused to what was in front of her to find a woman standing there with a smile on her face. Her eyebrows furrowed as she wondered if she'd said anything.

The rest of the day past uneventfully for Sabrina in the sense that there wasn't any ship following them. She'd scanned all the channels for any abnormal signal that might clue her in. With a sigh, she stood from her chair and left the main deck and headed for the med bay to check on Yuki. What the girl said had still been running through her head. Sabrina had been trying to delay herself from going asking to give them some time to adjust, but the urge got the best of her finally.
"Heading to the med bay?" Mercea asked, not looking up from the computer he was currently typing on. His increased hearing caught her sigh and her slight shuffling as she stood.
"Yeah. The urge to go talk with the girl has been nagging at the back of my mind since we got back," she admitted. "You're welcome to come with."
Mercea shook his head once. "It'd be best if you went without me. She and I didn't start off on the right foot. So I'm going to give her some space."
Sabrina shrugged, not questioning him on the matter. "Alright." With that, she was on her way to the med bay.

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