Untitled Part 33

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Sabrina blurted out a quick chuckle before grabbing another aggressor by the neck and lifted him up a split second before he passed her. The bones in his neck crunched audibly as the rest of his body lurched forward without his control before swinging back to dangle beneath him. His toes scraped up dirt and dislodged a few pebbles.
"I probably should kill you. But I'm not sure. With the sound your neck just made, I highly doubt you'll be moving any time soon." Sabrina smirked as her eyes glinted dangerously. She caught the smell of the fresh blood that currently trickled from the nose of the man sprawled on the ground. "Then again, I haven't feed in a few days. So I am thirsty. Hmm," she hummed, "it is a puzzler isn't it. So many options. So many possibilities."
The last of the attacking group looked at each other with fear in their eyes as realization hit them at what she was.
"Oh," Sabrina said with a smirk. "So you know what sort of creature I am then?"
They nodded.
"Then take your wounded and leave before I decide to have my fill of you." She tossed the man she held at them. They caught him with a coughing huff before dragging him and the man sprawled on the ground away. Sabrina's smirk widened to a full smile as they disappeared into the trees. She turned around and took a couple running steps before leaping into the air to locate the ship, which wasn't hard.
Sypher was getting antsy. It seemed too long since he heard anything from Sabrina. And the radar had been too quiet for his liking. Just as he was about to give up hope and figure out a new plan, the trees gave way of their own accord. A minute or so passed before a figure emerged above the top of the trees. He edged the ship forward until he hovered over the clearing. Sypher leaned over to the window and glanced down, seeing Sabrina waving. He straightened up in his seat, sighing in relief; glad there wasn't a need for the rifles. He took his hand away from the shield activations to press some other buttons to lower the ship and open the back hatch.
All through this, Mercea was smiling, finally deciding that, as the ship landed, to let Sypher know that he was there. "I see now why she choose you to be a part of the landing crew."
Sypher jerked in his seat as his heart gave a startled jump. He brought his gaze over his shoulder to study Mercea. "You know you shouldn't do that to people. Scare them like that."
Mercea chuckled, exiting the cockpit without a word.
Sabrina stepped up onto the ramp as the relief pilot walked out to lead everyone on board. She spotted the captain and smiled. "So you didn't suffer any damage from being thrown I see."
He shook his head with a slight frown pulling a his lips. "I guess I have you to thank for that."
"That's good."
"By the way," Mercea said lightly, "I see why you asked Sypher to be a part of the landing crew. He's dedicated and loyal to the crew of my ship. While you were doing whatever it was that you doing here on the ground, I was keeping an eye on him to see what he would do. Whether it be to take off back to the ship or to stay and fight."
Sabrina chuckled as she watched the last of the group climb on board. She nudged the captain inside before turning to manual override the system on the computerized panel on the wall to shut the door. "That's because you are a vampire now. And vampires like strategy as well as having many options on the table in case of any changes."
Mercea just nodded before taking one of the last available seats.
Sabrina moved to the cockpit and ordered Sypher to take them back to the Nuada.
"Yes ma'am," Sypher affirmed. The ship rattled a little as it left the ground, taking off in the direction of the Nuada.
Sabrina went back and occupied the seat next to the captain. "We'll be arriving in just a few minutes," she told the group. "When we get there, a medical team will be waiting to take anyone with even the smallest scratch to the med bay." Sabrina turned her attention to Yuki. "You will most likely be the first one they take there. With how badly your leg is wounded. They'll be asking a lot of questions; some you may not know the answer to. So just answer what you can."

"Captain Mercea, there's something you might want to know about us. One, the ones that were first chasing us will come after us to get the five of us back to the planet," Yuki said, leaning forward a little on her uninjured leg. She went to say something more but was halted before she could get the first word out as the doors opened. The med team poured, ushering them out of the shuttle.

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