Untitled Part 37

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Yuki and the others had been in the med bay for a what seemed like ages. The wound on Yuki's leg had been wrapped. The doctors where currently doing blood test on them to check for any unknown or infectious viruses. To them, it seemed that the new comers were acting a bit strange. In the their eyes, it seemed that they stared at nothing or have whole conversations to themselves. It finally got to the point it had become to much to handle anymore, the head medical doctor, mentally freaking, to the main deck to retrieve the captain and the ship adviser.
Yuki, Mambo began in his head. Do you think they'll freak. I mean who wouldn't. I still think of us as freaks
Mambo, Yuki glanced over to him over one of the nurses shoulders as they pushed a needle into the flesh crease of her arm. I think some will freak, yes, but not all I hope. I just hope they don't send us back when we're better.
Maybe they'll dissect us, Jon Paul cut in.
Jon! Yuki snapped, giving a hard glare. Don't even think that way. Anyway, I think that woman, Sabrina I believe her name was, seems to hear things like we do. Face it, you can hear the electronics in my leg, and the hallow sound of Mambo's leg when he walks. Remember when the woman tested the wall to find an exit. How our exit turned out to be through the wall she tapped
Jon Paul grimaced slightly at the truth in Yuki's words.
Red Bear stayed silent through the whole telepathic conversation.
"Well, now let's get the young lady up on a table to see what's what," a doctor called.
Yuki grumbled silently to herself as she mentally pulled away from the telepathic conversation. Standing, she made her way over to the doctor had mentioned. As she sat on the cool metal, the metal of her leg clinked loud enough against it for the doctor to hear.
"I'm sorry, but I'm going to ask you to remove all metal objects before we can do the x-ray," he said lightly.

Fear crept through Yuki once again. "Doc, there's..." She could only get a few words out before the med bay doors opened and the doctor from earlier strode through, an odd look on her face, followed by Sabrina.

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