Untitled Part 22

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"He's right," Sabrina said. She had heard the clatter of feet running and the words said. It was not the time for idle talk. They needed to move. "Sypher, why don't you take point and make sure we don't run into any trouble on the way out. Mercea and I will pull up the rear." She looked the group in front of them over. "You stay in the middle and keep her moving. Whoever it is that's coming after us will surely catch us if we don't hurry."
"Right away ma'am," Sypher affirmed, taking the lead.

Red Bear took Yuki into his massive arms. Shichi gave a short growl but moved into the newly formed group.
"Alright, which way?" Red Bear asked.

Sabrina moved to the wall and gave a single knock; hearing the vibrations that reverberated through the metal support beams. With a smile, she pulled out a sticky grenade from a pouch on her belt and stuck it to the wall.
"You might want to cover your ears. This could get loud." Sabrina pressed the single button on the grenade. A green light started flashing; slow at first, then faster and faster until it was almost a constant light. There was a lonely beep before the grenade blew. The hall filled with dust and smoke. Outside light filtered dimly through.
"Voila," Sabrina expressed, motioning the group towards the opening. "Our exit."

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