Chapter 1

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Haley stood at the kitchen counter, smiling as her husband Kian played in the living room with their two kids. Farrah, a dark haired princess of five,  was chasing Kian through their house and Jacob was running around behind, shrieking like a banshee, while both kids were giggling like mad. It was the perfect moment, the kind that makes you wish there could be just one more, no matter how many times you have to change a nappy or buy a new car seat. She was uncertain; she had a close call giving birth to Farrah, a miscarriage after that, but Jacob was their miracle baby. They knew they had the space and the money, but decided to just go with the flow unless they had trouble getting pregnant.

"Mummy!" Farrah  squealed as she ran into the kitchen, followed by her brother.
"Hi, sweetheart," Haley smiled at her daughter and picked her up before turning to Jacob.
"And how's my little man?" she said, tickling him under his arms until he started laughing again. His giggles made everyone around him smile. He looked so much like his dad it was crazy; with those big brown eyes, gobs of black hair, and a sideways grin and olive skin. His big sister was the same way, though her hair had turned to more of the dark brown of her mother.

"Who's taking us to school?" Farrah asked, settling into her booster seat at the table for breakfast.  Her mother put Jacob's plate down beside him, and he sat back, satisfied, and began eating the buttered toast his mother gave him.
"You're going to preschool today," Kian told them as he joined them, leaning over Haley to kiss her cheek.
"I love preschool! Will Daddy come too?" Farrah asked excitedly.
Haley chuckled, sitting down with her cereal.
"Daddy's going to work, and Mummy has to go to work later. Daddy's taking you both and I'm picking you up later. Daddy might pick you up tomorrow."
"Tomorrow sounds nice," Farrah replied happily, shoveling another spoonful of oatmeal in her mouth. Between bites, she'd try and make her little brother smile.
"Jacob looks happy."
"He is. He slept good last night." Haley smiled and kissed Jacob's forehead, who grinned toothily at her.

"Do you need your backpack yet?" she asked, getting up and retrieving it from where it lay on the couch.
She pulled out a purple backpack decorated with a few Disney Princesses.  Inside, she placed the contents of the backpack, including her lunchbox. Once she was sure it had everything, Haley returned to the table with her children.
"Ready for school?" Haley asked, looking between Jacob and Farrah. Farrah nodded enthusiastically, but Jacob just shook his head, but smiling, indicating he was teasing in the only way a toddler does. Kian sat down, his bag packed for work at the hospital.

Farrah kissed her daddy's tattooed arm, before running upstairs to get her clothes changed and finish getting ready.

"Can you watch Jacob while I get Farrah cleaned up?"

"Sure. Hey Jakey. How's my buddy?" Kian said, making faces at his son. Jacob squealed out "Daaaaady" before focusing back on his breakfast.

Upstairs, Farrah got her pajamas off and run to her mum.
"Mummy! My Pull-ups aren't wet!" she cheered.
"That's great sweetie! Pretty soon you won't have to wear them at night." Haley hugged her little girl and pulled out a pair of underwear, a Frozen t-shirt,  leggings, socks, and shoes. She got Farrah dressed, and then helped her brush her teeth and did her hair up in  a ponytail.
"Are you ready to go now?" Haley asked, kissing her daughter's cheeks. "We don't want to be late."
Downstairs, Kian put his things away, putting the dirty dishes in the sink. When he turned to leave, he saw Haley walking toward him, with Farrah tagging along.

"Ready to go, kiddos?" he asked making sure they all had their bags.

"Ready, Daddy." Farrah said, heading out to the car. Jacob squealed from his dad's arms, reaching for Haley.

"Mummy!" He wailed. Haley gave him a kiss.
"It's okay, little man. You love daycare." Haley cooed, kissing her son's black hair. "Be good and have fun." Haley said to her kids.

Kian walked into his office after his children went off to school. As he sat down behind his desk, he noticed his colleague Jac sitting at her desk on the other side of the office. She wasn't looking at patient's charts, or even looking something up on her computer. That wasn't like her, she was so work-focused. She was usually the first one there when he arrived.
"Jac," he greeted his colleague with a smile. She didn't respond, instead staring at her computer screen without even acknowledging that anyone else was in the room.
"Hey Jac, are you okay?" he asked approaching her desk. She still hadn't looked up.

"Hey, what's bothering you, Naylor?" he jabbed, hoping she'd come back with a smart remark.

" know how I've been having headaches and dizzy spells? I guess I shouldn't have expected anything different." Jac said, looking up, her eyes red rimmed and her face drawn.
"What happened?" Kian frowned, placing his hand on Jac's shoulder. She flinched slightly. "I didn't mean to scare you. Just tell me what's wrong."

"They only people who know are Fletch and Sacha."

"Hey, I promise, no one else will know unless you want."

Her answer would change everything.

A Family To Stay: A Holby City Fan Fiction (Kian & OC #4)Where stories live. Discover now