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"WHAT THE FUCK DON?" Maggie yelled, abruptly standing up, causing her chair to tip and fall to the ground. He didn't flinch, not even when she got right in his face. "YOU SOLD THE FUCKING TITAN?" Walter and I exchanged a worried glance. I had never seen her this angry, and by the looks of it, neither had Walter.

"Maggie..." I mumbled, reaching over, and grabbing her forearm. She didn't turn around, she just inched closer towards Don. Their noses were almost touching by this point, and he still wasn't backing down. "Maggie sit down." It's like I was invisible to her.

"Do you know what that Titan could've done for people!? Do you know how rare they even are! People would do anything to acquire a base like that, hell, I KILLED FOR IT!" She reached her hand out, like she was about to hit him.

"Ok..." Walter said, swiftly standing up, gripping her by the shoulders and pulling her away. "Fuckin hell Mags, calm down."

"No no, she's right." Don said finally. He was leaning against his desk, now staring at his nails as if this was the most boring conversation he could be participating in. He sighed. "You really need to learn when it's appropriate to fly off the handle."

"Nope." Walter said, wrapping his arms fully around her to secure Maggie in place.

"Ill fucking kill you!" She shouted. Don looked at me.

"What do you think (y/n)? Do you want to kill me?" I hesitated when he asked me this. There was no malice in his voice, no mockery. He genuinely wanted to know. But I wasn't too keen on answering. He sighed. "Answer me."

"I don't." I said softly "I think killing you would be a... waste. You're a competent leader normally but this decision is kinda weird. I mean Maggie's right; titans can do so much for a community. And for someone who leads a group for the sake of the community, this wasn't the right choice." He nodded.

"Ok, Walter?"

"I think you're a god damn moron, I just wouldn't bash your head in right here." He said, he was still struggling with Maggie.

"What will you spend the money on?" I asked Don, his eyes didn't land on me, instead they stared straight at Maggie.

"Getting out of Salvo before the syndicate takes it over." This time, I was the one to stand up from my chair. I wanted to hit him. The syndicate was no where near taking over Salvo. The war lord that's running Salvo has no desire to work with them. He would be killed if he was offered a bribe too. So Don had sold the titan, a piece of machinery that could've harvested crops, aided in evacuations or dealt with soldiers; not because he would spend the money on the community, but for self-preservation.

I took a deep breath, summoning every ounce of my self-control, before walking out of the room. I didn't stop walking till I was out of the Church and down the road. I was so consumed in taming my own thoughts, I barely heard the footsteps that were approaching me.

"What a dick..." Maggie said, I jumped slightly, she smiled at my reaction.

"I can't believe he did that. I mean seriously. He made me work on it for weeks! He used so many materials that could've been used to repair houses!" I said, waving my arms around in disbelief. "Ridiculous."

"Hes always been an incompetent asshole. This isn't the first time he's made a decision like this." She said, crossing her arms. I stopped walking and sat down on the side of the road. Maggie joined me, pulling her knees to her chest, and resting her elbows on them "He once sold a bunch of our guns to the soldiers that were working close to us before we moved to Needah. I was livid. Walter had to restrain me so I wouldn't ram a fork into his eye." She chuckled "Kinda wish I had done it now..."

"At least he's leaving the Hawks huh?" I said, placing my hands behind me and leaning back. "And im glad you've calmed down."

"Nah, im still raging on the inside. Just calming it down in front of you." I smiled.

"That's sweet. You are a bit much when your angry."

"I know." She sighed "Do you think you could build another titan?"

"Fat chance. I can't make one from scratch, it would take me my whole life."

"But you could... in theory?"

"Yeah, but I won't so don't go telling people I will." I nudged closer to her and placed my head on her shoulder. She exhaled before stretching her legs out and reaching for my hand. "We look like nutters here."

"I know."

"Do you wanna go home?"

"Nah, I wanna stay like this for a while." I nodded, squeezing her hand. Minutes passed, she tried to pull her hand from mine.

"Why do you do that?" I asked, "We go like 2 minutes holding hands and you try to get away from me." She looked away, a smile creeping on her face.

"Its embarrassing..."

"Go on..."

"My hands... get sweaty when I'm nervous. Like really sweaty. Walter teases me and says I could put out fires with how much I sweat..." I laughed "And now you're doing it." She looked back at me and rolled her eyes.

"I think its... charming. Also why are you even nervous anymore? Its not like this is the first time we've been together."

"I know but... Im just nervous." We sat in silence for a minute. I tried to come up with something to say to her, something that would calm her down. I had no idea she was nervous... I had no idea Maggie got nervous. I just assumed she hated holding hands. She hated other acts of public affection. I just thought she was being herself... dramatic. "I think I love you." She blurted.

"Uhh." I said, she closed her eyes and squeezed her free hand into a fist.

"Mmm ignore me. Slipped out."

"Did you just?"

"Nope, I did not."

"You said you loved me"

"THINK, I said, I THINK. Don't get too excited." I laughed. "Oh my God, shut up." Her cheeks turned slightly redder, she looked away from me. I put my hand on her cheek and forced her to look into my eyes.

"I think I love you too."


Short chapter but oh well. At least i restrained myself from writing another smut scene.  

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