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The flight to Noxus was nothing more then torture. The two men that I was with were loud, rude, and obnoxious beyond belief. They would pester me, ask me invasive questions. My one light on the two-week trip was a woman called Rhea.

Rhea was tall, standing at around 6 feet. Her skin was warm and dark. Her face was my favourite part about her, her eyes were wide, surrounded by thick eyelashes and eyebrows. Her nose was downturned, a bump appeared on her nose bridge. Her lips were full, she almost never smiled though. She plastered a scowl across her face most of the time, however when she was reading, her lips would upturn ever so slightly. Her left arm was mechanical and throughout the trip, she allowed me to play around with it. I was grateful for the distractions she provided me with.

She would ask me good questions, questions I didn't mind answering. Things about Salvo. Our conversations felt slightly one-sided as I gushed about Maggie and the planet... the world I was leaving behind. Johnny was frequently at the front of our conversations. I told her about his apprenticeship, how smart he was. I never told her about Carl.

By the end of the two-week long flight, we arrived in Noxus. Specifically, its capital; Royal Pockna. Pockna was only small, it sat in the middle of the largest continent on Noxus. With every new leader of our family, we got to choose the new Capital city. My mother chose Pockna because she adored the steady incline of the town. How, not one part of it was on flat land, though you never had to exert yourself to get through it. She loved the people... well she loved how rich the people were. She felt superior when around these people, felt above them all. Because they couldn't say anything to her.

When one of us chooses a city to be the Capital, the word Royal goes before it. I always thought this was a stupid tradition, my brother and I would laugh about it. I smiled at this memory as Rhea nudged my shoulder.

"Hell of a view, eh?" She asked as we walked towards the ledge of the platform that my mothers house sat on. Well, it wasn't much of a house... a mansion more like. Modern, yet still traditional. It fit in with the gold, blue and white colour scheme that the town seemed to have incorporated. The windows of the home were large, tinted black for her privacy.

I looked down at the town. I didn't feel any hint of joy to be back. To see the market stalls, the tents that were up. I didn't like any of it. I looked towards Rhea.

"Let's go." I nodded towards the house, and she walked me inside. "God, I forgot how fucking big it is." I said, marvelling at the large room we were met with. The room was mostly dark, the tinted windows didn't let in much light. The staircase, a foot away from us, veered off into two directions.

"God, where do we go? So many choices." I smiled at her as she glanced at the doors to our side. "And why does someone need this big of a room?"

"So, I can laugh at people's reactions to it!"

"Fucks sake." I mumbled when I heard her voice. Her booming footsteps echoed for several seconds until she appeared to the left of us through an archway. I cursed under my breath when I saw her, and I felt Rhea tense up beside me.

Madera was... intimidating to say the least. She was tall, taller than Rhea. She stood at a staggering 6'4. She found it thrilling to look down at people, watch as they try not to shit themselves. Her face was covered in scars, I noted a new one that dragged from her forehead down her left eye before settling in the middle of her cheek. It was a peach colour, like it had been done recently. She noticed me staring and raised her finger to it. She grinned.

"I'm glad you came!" She shouted, walking towards me with her arms extended "C'mere..." She grabbed me by my shoulders, throwing me at her before squeezing me. I felt all the breath from my lungs leave my body. I felt like an old squeaky toy as I let out a pathetic breath. She rocked me side to side for a second before planting her lips on the top of my head. My mother was hard. Her entire body felt like a rock. She was sturdy. She was bred for battle. This was where she was supposed to be.

Gods and Monsters ~ Mad Maggie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now