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Johnny left the next morning. I walked him half the way, Walter took him for the rest. I cried all the way back home. He would be happier on Noxus, healthier. My mother knew how to make people strong... even me. Her plot to send me to Salvo to 'toughen me up' worked. For years I told myself that I wouldn't change. I would remain soft, gentle, and caring; instead, I became feared.

I wasn't as feared as Maggie or Walter, not by a long shot. However, I still had a reputation. I was Maggie's girlfriend. Say the wrong comment, or look at me the wrong way and your face would get bashed in. I was also feared because of my knowledge. I was known as the girl who built a titan. The titan war had been for years, and I struck fear into people that it might return to Salvo.

My mother would be proud.

Well, not proud of the fact that I was in love with a woman, but I ignored that. What she didn't know couldn't hurt her...

While on my walk back home, with tears streaming and ugly frown spread across my face, I ran into Maggie. She was leaning against a lamppost, her dishevelled jacket in her right hand with a cigarette in her other. I watched as she lifted the cigarette to her mouth and took a long drag before looking up to the sky and exhaling. I laughed.

"I thought you had quit?" I asked, crossing my arms as I approached her. Her eyes widened as she coughed and dropped the cig to the concrete floor. She stomped it out before taking a step towards me. "God, you stink now."

"Shush, you love it, you think its hot, whatever." I laughed again, wiping my tears from my face. "Hey." She dropped her jacket and gripped my shoulders with her hands. "He'll be fine."

"I know." I sniffled "I just feel bad I didn't go with him." She gritted her teeth.

"Well, if you did go, then I could smoke as much as I wanted without getting a lecture."

"Oh, you want me to lecture you about it? Ok. We spent months Maggie, months-"

"Ok ok, I wish you did get on the damn ship." We laughed before she squeezed my shoulders and she picked up her jacket. She slung her free arm over my shoulder, and we carried on walking. "Kinda thought Walter would 'a dropped you off in a car or something."

"I wanted to talk to Johnny one last time. He said he'll send me something when he gets there."

"A letter?"

"Guess so... I don't know if he's pieced together that its really hard to connect Salvo to other syndicate planets." I sighed "This is the only time I wish Salvo was a-"

"Don't." She warned, I bit my tongue. It was a sensitive topic to bring up around Maggie, even if it was a joke.

"Maggie!" Someone yelled. She stopped walking; her arm didn't move from me. I looked up at her.

"Don't say anything." She mumbled to me. A car suddenly passed us, a black Nissan. It screeched to a halt just a bit in front of us. My tears stopped falling, I wiped my eyes completely with the back of my hand as a man jumped out from the passenger's seat. He smiled as he bent his knees and held his hands to the side. I didn't recognise him.

"Hey Mags-"

"Mad Maggie to you, you fucking degenerate." She practically spat venom at him.

"Whoa calm down tiger, I'm just here to ask you a question that's all."

"Its never just a question with you lot." He smiled.

"Seems I caught you at a good time, no FitzRoy, just you and your lover." He took a step forward, placing his hands on his knees and adopting a mocking tone, "Are you upset honey? Mag- Mad Maggie being a big meanie." She squeezed me again, I didn't answer him.

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