Chapter 3

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Andy's POV

Andy calls maya

A- Hey Maya can you come over 

M- Sure is everything ok though

A- Yea I just really need to talk to you

Maya gets to Andy's house

I told Maya everything that Vic told me and that I kissed her...

"OH MY GOD YOU KISSED HER?!?!?!" Maya said excitedly "yea I did but I ran out after"  I told her shyly "Why would you run do you not wanna be with her?" Maya asked confused "No of course I wanna be with her I love her and I don't know why I ran" I said with my voice breaking 

"Andy you need to talk to her and tell her how you feel" Maya said to me softly, "Well right now I need to get ready for work I'll see you there" I said shooing her away "You can't avoid her forever" she yelled. Yea but I sure can try I thought to myself as I started to get ready. 

Vic's POV

I didn't sleep the rest of the night because I couldn't stop thinking about Andy did that kiss mean something to her?, Did she have feelings for me?, Why did she just run out like that?, So many questions but zero answers 

I went to Travis's room and woke him up, "Vic why are you waking me up so early?" Travis said all groggy, "I need to talk to you get up." I said seriously "Alright I'm up what's up" he said I explained everything that happened last night and all the details. "Why would she just walk out like that" he asked super confused "I don't know maybe she doesn't feel the same way as me" Vic said upsettingly "Vic she is in love with you, it is so obvious everyone can see it but you" He said sweetly, "Then why would she run" I asked "I don't know that's a question only she can answer talk to her.."  I thought about what Travis had said but I couldn't bring myself to text her right now so I just got ready for work.

Andy's POV

I got to the station and I saw her. God how was she so beautiful I would never understand. I guess she could feel me staring because she shot a look my way but I quickly ran upstairs before she could say anything. To my surprise I saw Travis. 

"What the hell Andy!??" he said to me "WHAT" I said confused. "Vic told me what happened last night! I thought you liked her why would you just leave like that" He said confused "I do like her ok in fact I love her" I told him "Then why did you walk away like that??" he asked ''I don't know ok I would've stayed there with her all night but it was like my heart and body were both saying yes but my head was saying leave" I said with tears in my eyes" I guess Travis could tell how upset because he hugged me and told me to tell this to her I told him I would talk to her tomorrow but for the rest of the day I avoided her know matter how much I just wanted to kiss her and hold her again.

Vic's POV

Andy had been avoiding me all day but I can't lie I had been avoiding her too. Thank god today was a slow day because all that was on my mind was that kiss, that AMAZING kiss. Although no matter how good the kiss it didn't take away any of the confusion it just added to it.

 Vic just wanted Andy to hold her and tell her she loved her. Vic felt like Andy could get her through anything. Truthfully Andy was the only reason that Vic got through Dean's death and right now she wanted that safety more than anything Andy was her safe space.

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