Chapter 12

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Andy's POV

I've been thinking since we met Gabriella, why is it always us- why does it always happen to us

I know vic has been thinking the same but i can't tell her what I've been feeling she already has so much on her plate I can't add to it. I need to go away for a while-

To clear my head to give her space- I can't help but think it's my fault what happened with Theo.... If I never told her how I felt she wouldn't have gone back to his house and he wouldn't have done that to her...

I can't continue to cause her this much pain. She would be way better off without me and maybe she could fix her relationship with her dad. Because that's my fault to and I see how that affects her she misses him and if I leave they can fix that and she'll be happy.

Vic is at the station right now so I need to start packing but I can't do it on my own so I called maya to come help me.

*knock knock*

"Coming" I shouted as I walked to the front door "hey maya thanks for coming so fast." I said opening the door to let her in. "Hey Andy what's the big emergency" she said pulling me into a hug.

"I need to leave." I said a single tear falling from my eye "leave.... What do you mean leave...." She said utterly confused "I-I can't keep hurting her I have to go" I said fully bursting into tears. "Hurting her- I thought everything was going great with you two" she said with the same confusion. "It is I love her more than anything but I ruined her relationship with her dad- I'm the reason she went to his hou-." I started to say. "ANDY DONT YOU DARE." She yelled "None of those things were your fault and you CANNOT blame yourself because I KNOW she does not blame you." Maya said embracing me in a hug.

"But if I leave everything in her life will go back to normal-" I started "And she will be hurt because you left Andy she loves you so much imagine what leaving would do to you both it would kill you guys." Maya said will holding me. "It won't be forever I just need space and I need to give her space- everything between us just happened so fast" i said still in tears. "Look Andy if leaving is really what you want then I will help you." She said releasing me. "Thank you do you think I could stay with you and carina for a while" I asked shyly "of course your always welcome" she said giving me a warm smile.

*2 hours later*

Maya is putting all my things in her car. I need to start writing my letter to Vic.

*Dear Vic,
Mi amor- i love you more than you could ever know and I don't want to hurt you but I need to leave for a little while- I can't help but think it's all my fault what's happened to you since we've been together- and I don't want to hurt you anymore I'm putting in a request to transfer stations. Im gonna stay with Maya and carina please I beg you do not follow me. True love will always find its way back and I hope we will but for now this is goodbye. Take this time reconnect with your dad and don't blame yourself for ANY of this
I gave Gabriella some evidence against Theo you have a meeting with her on Saturday I wish you the best of luck.
-yours truly

"Alright all your stuff is packed are you ready?" Maya asked comforting me "yea just one more thing" i said pulling out my keys and taking off the house key "there now I'm ready" I said with a sniffle "hey Andy are you sure this is what you want." Maya said "Yes we need to go before I change my mind" I said walking out of the house and getting in mayas car.

Vic's POV

I finally finished my shift and I'm so exited to see Andy. As I pull in the driveway all the lights are out so I assume Andy has something planned. "Andy...." I said flirtatiously walking inside it was silent "Andy?????" I said slightly confused "Andrea where are you?" I said worried. Then I saw it the letter.

I can't believe this I never thought she would just leave out of the blue like this how could she think any of this was her fault. She's been perfect.

And she doesn't want me to go after her. How could I not and because of me shes gonna transfer.

I can't sleep tonight no matter how much I try. I need her here holding me, telling me she loves me. But she's gone.... She's really gone.

A/N: SOOOOOOOO this took a turn didnt it hope you enjoyed 😈

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