Chapter 19

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Vic's POV
This whole thing with andrea has really messed me up. And due to great advice from Travis and Emmett, I have decided that it may be best for me to start therapy. That's when i went to open the door that my now therapist knocked on.

"hi Diane how are you" i asked while embracing her in a warm hug. "I'm good vic thank you for asking. Now i'm assuming since you asked me to come here you are not good?" she said looking me in the eye with a knowing look. "yea you were the first person i thought of. This doesn't have to do with work but i was wondering if you could make some time for me?" i asked her ready to burst into tears at any giving moment. "Of course it may not have to do with your job directly but emotions can affect your job".

Me and Diane went and had a seat on the sofa and it was time for me to start explaining.

"So as you may or may not know me and Andy split because she kissed another woman and she didn't trust me or even consider how i felt when i tried to tell her how this woman had feelings for her" i told her with shaky breath trying to hold myself together. "i have also learned that they are now also in a relationship" i said a stray tear escaping my eye. stupid tear.

"Vic i am so sorry i know you love her and i know how exited you were to marry her." she said comforting me. "i gave her a choice." i cut her off before she could continue. "i told her that it was me or Maria." i said all my tears finally starting to fall.

"Listen to me Victoria it isn't your fault." she said pulling me into a warm comforting embrace. "it's just- she's the person i thought i would spend the rest of my life with you know-" I said stalling my tears. "and now that's all over" i finished. "I know this is hard vic but you're gonna be able to move on and find your peace." Diane told me embracing me in a warm hug. And for the first time i actually feel like things might just be ok after all.

Andy's POV-
today is the day i start at the new station. i still can't believe it. i was brushing my teeth as i heard someone approach behind me. "Good morning amor" i hear as golden brown arms wrap around my waist. "good morning to you too" i responded bringing her around and pulling her into a kiss. "i made you a nice breakfast to celebrate your first day at the new job." she said pulling me in for another kiss. "that sounds amazing amor but i really have to get to work can we celebrate tonight like a
dinner?" i asked with sorrow. "of course my love just make it back home to me."

that was one of the hardest first days of my life. the men there are a bunch of douche bags and the one woman is just like them. that's why i was so relieved when i walked in to find maria setting up dinner. "wow babe this looks and smells incredible." i said practically orgasming on the spot. "well you deserve for what i can only hope was an amazing first day."

Vic's POV-
"I CANNOT BELIVE YOU TRAVIS JAY FORBES MONTGOMERY" i screamed into my phone. "look vic i'm sorry i know how much that necklace means to you i can go and get it when i'm back from my honeymoon". he said his voice full of regret. "no it's fine i'll get it myself enjoy your honeymoon" i said hanging up not giving him a chance to respond. i guess it's now or never.

i never thought i would come back to this house. i just need to get the necklace and go. i knock on the door and a giggling andy answers. her smile falls almost instantly. "vic wh-what are you doing here?" she asked clearly confused.

"who's at the door babe" maria asked coming up behind her opening the door so i see they're having a dinner. shit. of course that's my luck. "oh victoria how nice of you to drop by" maria said in the snarkiest voice humanly possible. "sorry to interrupt or whatever," i said pointing between them and their date. "but travis forgot my grandmothers necklace and i was really hoping i could go and get it" i said as dry as possible. "actually we're kind of in the middle of a celebration right now you know for andrea's first day at the new station." maria said before andy could respond.

"look i won't be long trust me i just want my necklace" i said. "go ahead you know the way" andy said opening the door.

i went straight to the bedroom we used to share trying to avoid looking at their celebratory dinner. maria's stuff fills the closet and the drawers. i go straight to where i left my necklace and to my luck, it's not fucking there.

"did you find what you were looking for?" i hear the door shut behind me. and it was her. "no not yet" i said putting the upmost niceness in my voice. "why don't you tell me what you're looking for and i can help." she said plastering on a smile. ugh. kill me now

"it's an antique necklace" i said not being able to come up with anything else. "oh is it gold with a pendant" she said like a lightbulb went off in her head. "yes exactly" i said glad for the search to be over. "i pawned that old thing" with that one sentence my heart dropped to the floor.


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