Chapter 20

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"oh that old thing i pawned it". with one sentence my heart dropped and i felt more hurt than i had ever before. "y-you what" i asked making sure i wasn't hearing things "i was moving my stuff in and i found it, i asked Andy about it and she didn't say anything so i just pawned it."

All i felt in that moment was betrayal more than when Andy cheated on me with this woman. She moves into the home i once shared with my fiancé, and sells the only thing i had left of my grandmother. And Andrea let her, she didn't even say anything. how could she do such a thing?

"i cant believe this shit" i cursed as i rushed out of the bedroom heading towards the front door to get the hell out of this place. "did you find it"
andy asked as i was heading out the door. "nope. why don't you ask your lovely side piece where it is." i seethed as i slammed the front door behind me and drove off.

Andy's POV

"what" i had asked but vic had already left and slammed the door. "Maria what happened in there" i asked more confused than i've ever been. "she's mad i pawned some old necklace she'll be fine" oh god that's why vic was upset and she has every right to be. "maria why the actual FUCK would you do that" i said trying to contain my anger

"what i asked you about it and you shooed it away so i assumed it wasn't important" she said taking a sip of her red wine. shit. it's my fault her necklace is gone. "when did you pawn it" i asked getting my keys. "yesterday why" i didn't say anything else to her before i left and got in my car. i am gonna get vic's necklace back.

i realize as i'm driving that i didn't ask what pawn shop she went to so this could either be a very long or a very short trip.

Vic's POV

i'm in literal tears driving home i had to pull my car into an empty parking lot because i couldn't see clearly. i can't believe the last part i had of my grandma is gone. and worse i cant believe Andy let it happen.

I need to call someone. i can't drive home like this so i need to get a ride. "travis" i said with my voice cracking as he picked up the phone. "say no more send me your location i'm on my way." thank god for Travis Montgomery

Travis' POV

I swear whatever Andy did now i'm gonna kill her. I pulled into a parking lot that contained only Vic's car. "come on get in" i said as i rolled down my passenger window. "but what about my car" she asked with very little emotion. whatever Andy did this time she really fucked up. "leave it, we can come back and get it tomorrow when you're feeling better" i told her she just acknowledged me with a nod and got in the car. "do you want talk about it" i asked as i started driving. her silence was all the answer i needed.

we finally got back to my place and sat down. "look i know you don't want to talk about it but you need to tell me what happened" i asked with the upmost sincerity and sympathy. "do you remember gram grams necklace, the one she gave me before she died" she told me through a quiet broken voice. "yes" i answered matching the softness in her voice. "she pawned it" she said followed by the loudest silence ever. "ANDY?" i said practically yelling, "nope. Maria." she said still shaky. "OH HELL NO IM GOING OVER THERE RIGHT NOW" i yelled. Now I'm pissed that necklace meant everything to Vic how could Andy let her do that??? "travis please i just want to go to bed" i saw tears welling in her eyes so i decided to drop it for now. just as i was about to agree i heard a knock at the door. "it's Andy."

"i'll answer it don't worry" i said assuring her. "what do you any Andrea" "please travis i need to talk to her" Andy pleaded with me. "you can tan to me maybe i'll relay the message" i told her with venom dripping from my words. "can you just give this to her i got it back" she said holding up gram grams necklace.

Vic's POV-

"my necklace you found it" i said with a broken voice replacing travis at the door giving him a knowing nod to leave us alone. but knowing trav he won't go to far. "yea i went to every pawn shop-" my sharp words cut her off. i don't know why i said what i did next but all the anger just took me over. "this doesn't mean i forgive you." i said with my voice cold as ice. "this no where near compensates for the pain you caused me" i kept going "this is nothing except the bare minimum now get the hell out of here" i finished slamming the door in her face. then i felt travis' arms wrap me in an embrace and i let all the anger go.

A/N: did you miss me 😉

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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