Chapter 13

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Vic's POV

*the next morning*

Last night was the worst I slept since the first night she and I shared. I miss her so much. So far I've respected Andy's wishes and not gone after her but I have to call carina I need to know she's alright.

*calling carina*
C🤍: buongiorno Victoria
V: hey carina is she ok?
C🤍: is who ok?
V: carina I know she's there I just need to know she's ok...
C🤍: she's fine she just feels bad about your dad
V: please carina I'm begging you tell her it's not her fault and I want her to come home. *I said slightly sobbing*
C🤍: I will bella I promise but I can't promise it will do anything
V: one more thing
V: tell her I love her
C🤍: of course Victoria i will ciao bella
*call ends*

*Carina's POV*

After my call with Vic I knew it was time to honor what I said so I went to to wake Andy. "Andrea wake up I made breakfast" I said slightly whispering "what kind of breakfast?" Andy said all groggy "French toast come eat." I said sweetly

"So what's this for?" Andy questioned "sooo Victoria called this morning..." I said innocently "she told me to tell you that she doesn't blame you and she wants to come home. She loves you Andrea." I said with sympathy. "Look I'll talk to her next week but I'm gonna go to the bar I'm meeting the Chief about my transfer" Andy said agreeing.

*Andys POV*
*at the bar*

"Hello chief Ross" I said respectfully. "Hi Andy I wish I came with good news but I only have five minutes to tell you." She said in a hurry "I can't approve your transfer request. There just isn't room. Look I'm sorry but I have to go." She said as she walked away. I can't believe after everything I can't transfer I need a drink.

*2 hours later*

I need to get back but I cannot drive like this time to get an Uber. I thought to myself as I heard a familiar voice, "Andy is that you? Are you Alright?" As I turned around I saw him. "Robert..." I said stumbling "andy you don't look so good let me take you home." He said helping me with my balance "no no I don't think that's a good idea" I said slurring my words. "Trust me..." that was echoing in my head as I saw Robert pull into his drive way. "Robert... what are we doing here?" I said to him slighting coming to my senses. "Let's go" he said slightly aggressive pulling me inside and taking me to his room sitting me on his bed.

"I've been waiting for you to come back to me." He said as he started kissing me. "Robert stop I don't wanna do this with you." He didn't stop instead the kissing got more intense as he started trying to tear off my clothes. "Robert please I don't wanna do this." I told him as I pushed him off me. "Listen bitch you owe me this" he said aggressively tearing off the rest of my clothes. And pushing me down on the bed. "ROBERT PLEASE STOP" I said starting to sob "PLEASE I DONT WANNA DO THIS!" I said tears rolling down my face no matter how much I cried out he wouldn't listen. "R-ROBERT PLEASE PLEASE" I pleaded until finally he rolled off me. "Ughhhh" he groaned loudly "now put your clothes back on and get the fuck out of my house you dumb slut." He said getting comfortable in his bed.

I gathered my clothes tears still in my eyes as I stumbled on the sidewalk I had no idea where to go. Oh who am I kidding there only one place I can go.

*Vics POV*

As I was getting ready to head to lunch I got a phone call from maya

M👩‍🚒:Vic thank god you picked up is Andy with you???
V: what do you mean she stayed with you last night I haven't seen her?
M👩‍🚒: oh no she told carina she was meeting chief Ross and we haven't seen her since.

Just as Vic was about to respond she heard a knock on the door.

V: hold on maya I think I found her.
I said hanging up the phone.

"Andrea.." I said unable to believe my eyes she looked terrible. "Andrea what happened to you?" I said trying to hug her but she jerked away. "R-R-Robert h-he he r@ped me..." she said tears in her eyes. "Oh my god Andy we need to get you to the hospital "I-I already went I-I didn't know where else to go." She said walking slightly forward. "Oh my god Andrea you came to the right place I was so worried." I said bringing her into a hug. "Come on let's get you cleaned up is that ok?" I said holding her. She nodded her head and we went to the bathroom and set up a bath. "I'll give you some privacy." I said leaving the bathroom. Once she was done we sat in my bed I was just holding her until she fell asleep.

Once she was asleep I tried to move her so I could go to the couch. I still don't know where our relationship stands. As I got up she gripped my wrist. "Do you- do you think you could stay with me? I don't wanna be alone." She said still slightly sleepy. "Of course Andrea of course." I said slightly surprised giving her a kiss on the forehead. We started to snuggle up again and get comfortable. She drifted off in my arms. I'm so happy to be holding her again. And now that I am I won't let her go EVER again.

A/N: Sooooo I'm backkkk. Here you go a bit of an emotional one.

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