Chapter 16

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Andys POV-

I am so happy right now. Me and vic are engaged and my best friend from college is coming to visit. Me and Maria have a long and complicated history. we were never officially together together but to put it plainly. we fucked. a lot. any chance we got. It's not weird though we haven't done any of that stuff since before me and vic got together. And there are no feelings there at all she comes in today from Miami and i have to pick her up.

"Vic" i yelled downstairs to my fiancé. "Do you wanna go with me to pick up Maria from the airport?" i continued when i saw her behind me. "of course i've been waiting since forever to meet her" she said placing a kiss on my lips and wrapping her hands around my body. "good let's go then" i said admiring her beauty.

Vic's POV-

I'm exited to meet andy's old friend. She hasn't told me much about her but i think i could learn a lot about my future wife from this. Gosh Wife. It feels so good to be able to say that i've never had a love like Andy before I truly don't know what i would do without her. She has made me feel like i can be whatever i want to be. She made me at peace with what happened to dean. Now when i think of him all that comes is happiness. I am so exited for our future together.

Andy's POV-
*at the airport*

I'm so nervous like i said, i haven't seen Maria since before vic and i and i can't say i'm not scared. Maria has always been weird about my relationships she has never liked anyone i've been with. but i have a good feeling she'll love vic as much as i do. hopefully.

Maria's POV-

I haven't seen Andy in forever. She was my best friend. Even though she was always so oblivious to the way that i felt. I have been in love with Andrea Herrera for years. Now is finally my chance. She isn't in a relationship to my knowledge and maybe she will finally see that we belong together. I don't know how she never noticed my feelings. Every time she would get into a relationship i would try to sabotage it somehow but she took it as me being protective but this time she will realize just how much i love her.

"OH MY GOD MARIA!!!!" I head someone yell. i turned and there she was. Andrea Herrera. in all her beauty. "ANDREA HERRERA GET OVER HERE AND GIVE ME A HUG." I yelled back opening my arms as she ran into them. "My god girl it has been way to long look at you" she said admiring me. "me look at you. You look hot." i said eyeing her up and down licking my lips until i turned and saw a woman who looked slightly uncomfortable. "And who is this may i ask?" i said with a slight annoyance. She better not have another fucking girlfriend. "Maria" she said backing up and putting her arm around the uncomfortable woman. My blood is boiling. she. has. a. fucking. girlfriend. "this is Victoria Hughes my fiancé." my heart dropped. She doesn't have a girlfriend. she has a fiancé. "Nice to meet you Maria. you can call me vic" she said with a smile on her face. how about i call you gone instead. "nice to meet you vic" i said with the fakest smile i could muster.

Vic's POV-

Right away i noticed that there was something weird with Maria. Did she not like me? "So Maria are you ready to get out of here?" Andy asked her happily. "of course amor" she said back grabbing Andy's arm. "oh can you get that for me Vanessa?" she said with a fake smirk "it's Victoria and of course" i said with a genuine smile. God what is her issue. i sat in the back seat on the way home while Maria sat upfront with Andy. My Andy. They caught up and laughed a lot. which is fine whats not fine is the fact that she kept holding her thigh was there something there? i've never been more confused Andy only told me that they were friends were they more? we got home and Maria was being a lot more flirty with Andy. My fiancé. "Andrea can i talk to you please? alone." i said sternly looking at the both of them "oh you let her call you that you two must be serious" Maria said mockingly. "Well considering we're engaged i would assume it's pretty serious" i said taking Andy's arm and walking to our room.

"What's the deal Vic?" she asked me all confused. "Do you two have a history?" i asked getting upset. "mí amor why do you ask is something wrong." she asked reassuringly rubbing my arm. "She's been all over you all day and she obviously doesn't like me." i said tears building in my eyes "so i ask again is there a history with you two?" i asked scared for the answer "amor me and Maria used to mess around but there are no feelings there at all she doesn't see me that way and i don't see her that way. and she's just overprotective of me she's like this with all my relationships i promise you have nothing to worry about." she said bringing me into her arms. "ok i trust you" i said as i placed a kiss on her lips. "good now lets get back out there." she said pulling me out of the room.

*hours later*

"Ok my love i'm headed to bed the guest room is ready for Maria." I said placing a kiss on Andy's cheek. "Thank you amor, i'll show you the way Mar." she said walking away with Maria. i was walking to the living room because i left my phone when i saw Maria kiss Andy. My heart dropped to my feet. i walked closer to the room to listen to what my fiancé would say. "woah mar what was that?" Andy said very obviously confused. "look Andrea you are so oblivious i have been in love with you since we met." Maria said with her eyes starting to water. here i am waiting for my fiancé to reject her. "Mar.... I'm getting married why didn't you tell me sooner." my heart sank even lower that doesn't sound like the rejection i wanted to hear. "leave her be with me. please Andrea we can be so happy together." Maria said begging while grabbing Andy's hands. "Mar-" she started to say until i walked in "I knew it." i said tears streaming down my face. "Vict-" she started to say as i started to back away slowly. "Andrea" Maria said grabbing Andy's arm as she looked back. she looked so unsure so i knew what i needed to say "um i think it's best if i stay at travis and emmett's until you figure out your decision". i said practically sobbing as i ran out of the guest bedroom i packed a quick bag and left her ring on out night stand. i left a note. "if you love me then bring it back you know where to find me"


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