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The atmosphere was completely silent. Foxy had driven the last night-guard out a few hours ago when he scared them. The Pizzeria, day by day, was struggling to find people who would commit to doing the night-guard shifts. But on the other hand, it was a bonus for the animatronics. They didn't need to hide their human forms or anything. Most importantly, the animatronics could spend more one on one time with each other and bond.

Especially two particular animatronics...

But what happens from there? Enemies return? Do friendships grow into something more? Misery and regret? Who knows what lies down the track for them?

It was the end of a long day, once again. The same things are happening all over, singing the same crappy songs for 20 years and putting up with the cries and screams of little children, killing night-guards. It was all rinse and repeat. It was beginning to get quite boring for the animatronics, all they did was roam around the pizzeria in their robotic forms or human forms, but that was about it.

Bonnie let out an irritated grumble as Chica spoke to him, blabbering on about how much she wanted to go outside and explore the world again. It had been two decades since any of them had stepped outside the pizzeria.. On the other hand, Bonnie couldn't care. He learnt to accept his fate.

Quick A/N:
Hello! Thank you for reading the prologue for the story, chapters maybe a little slow since I do lose motivation very easily but I will for sure continue this book. If you have any ideas for the future please leave them in the comments!

Word count: 286!

Devoted to him (𝘍𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘥𝘺 𝘹 𝘉𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘦)Where stories live. Discover now