Ch. 13

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"Bye dad!" I yell up the stairs. My dad is taking a shower, and I'm excitedly dreading going back to the old mansion in the woods.
"Bye sweetie!" He yells. I open the door, make a point in closing it, and quietly dash back upstairs. Then I walk into my room and close the door. I sit in the corner, waiting to be dragged off.
He has to be here soon, otherwise my dad will come in to check if my light is off.
Just as I think of that, the shower sounds stop. I hold my breath and shrink into the corner, waiting for my dad to find out I'm ditching. Footsteps are heard passing by my door, and I hold my breath. For an agonizing few seconds, terror curls it's cold claws around me.
But, he never comes in and I let out a shaky breath. Then a face I'm beginning to recognize pops up out of thin air. I can see little streams of binary running through him as he adjusts his tunic.
"Alright, hey what're you doing in the corner, come on." He waves to my laptop. I put a finger up to my lip to tell him to be quiet. Then slowly I stand up, heart pounding, and walk over. Ben holds out his hand and I take it shakily. "Having second thoughts?" He asks with a grin. I nod and he laughs quietly. "Welp, no changing your mind now. Come on, everyone is waiting." I nod again and Ben touches my computer screen. In a second we are transported back outside the giant mansion. I continue to hold bens hand out of fear and take a deep breath, closing my eyes as long as I feel no one is secretly watching. Which isn't long.
"Alright I think I'm ready." I mumble, facing Ben. His demonic red eyes are looking at me and he has a crooked smile on his lips. How can he be enjoying my uncomfortableness? He walks me up the few steps and swings open the doors. There seems to be no one in this general area, so a take a step farther inside.
"Ben, who is this lovely lady." I turn my head to find legs. I look farther up to find a creature with black combat boots, black pants, a trench coat without a shirt under it, and a fedora atop its head. It has no eyes, ears, or nose, but has a mouthful of teeth that look as sharp as knifes.
"Offender, I didn't know you were here. This is Elizabeth." Ben holds up my hand, still holding his. I try to not close my eyes out of fear, whatever that thing is it isn't human.
"Don't be scared Elizabeth. Would you like a rose?" This 'Offender' asks with a voice made of honey.
"S-sure." I stutter, staring at his grin. He pulls two roses from behind his back, a normal red one and a blue one. I reach toward the red one and someone tackles me.
"Do NOT take a rose, Elizabeth." I twist my head to find none other than Jeff the Killer. I thought he sounded familiar. I shiver from his piercing lidless gaze.
"Why not, it's the only normal thing around here." I protest, while trying to get Jeff off me.
"Your new, so you don't know, but that is SexualOffenderman. Kinda like Slenderman's brother. He rapes people practically for a living."
"Don't spoil all my fun now Jeffery," The silky voice of SexualOffenderman teases. I look over to find him loosening his tie. "You never know, some women like my company." It is true, his voice is very pleasing, sending shivers down my spine.
"Noted. Can you get off me now?" Jeff complies and takes a step off me. I snuggle into my jacket, it's really starting to creep me out being here.
"I'll go get Maskie, he's not to scary right?" Jeff smiles, he is right but everyone here is scary. Jeff walks away and I bite on my lip. When it starts to bleed I hold my hand up to my face and bite on my fingers instead.
"You can sit on the couch if you want." Ben urges me toward what I assume is the living room.
I nod and wearily sit down, waiting for Jeff to come back, and waiting for another scare.

Don't Stay, Don't Go (Ben Drowned Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora