Ch. 25

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Time for the normal activities. I get dressed in baggy clothes, a bit paranoid that someone is watching me. And rightly so, if Masky can get in without making any noticable changes then who else can? I wonder if he will give me more 'presents'. I run my tongue across my lips, wincing only when I touch the worst part.

"Elizabeth, time for dinner!" My dad calls up.

"Coming!" I sigh and walk downstairs. I wonder what he made tonight. It sure smells great.

"This is your plate." He gives me a plate with green beans, a baked potatoe, and a steak.

"Steak, awesome!" I grab the plate and sit down at the table. My father follows me but sits in his recliner, as always. Like I always do, I shovel food into my mouth, disregarding if I'm full or not. I always eat like I haven't in weeks.

In a matter of minutes my plate is cleared and put in the sink. "That was great, thanks dad." Before he can call to me I dash into my room. Then I push myself under the covers and read a book, forgetting about the days worries, I'll save those for when I try to sleep.

Warriors: Into The Forrest. Rusty turns his back on his kittypet ways to become Firepaw: appentice warrior of Thunderclan. I've read this book at least a dozen times but I still like it. This is the very beginning. There are six books in each series, and currently six series. And I have all of them! I squeal at my favorite parts and put the book on my forehead, trying to absorb the book through osmosis. I kick my feet and smile, god I love these books.

[Ben's POV]
I still don't know why Elizabeth was mad at me, but I guess it wouldn't be great to ask right now. I thought it was extremely adorable when she was hiding from me behind Masky. Doesn't she know she cant hide from me? She looked like a little girl, like the pictures littered on the Internet for my investigation.
For right now though, I need my screwdriver. There it is! Right on my bed. I grab it and walk over to the endoskeleton I've been working on. Right now it looks sort of like a normal persons skeleton, I've taken the basic layout from a mix of Elizabeth's personal doctors collection and some from Masky's files as hers are a bit outdated. I've already memorized the data code for a image of her standing up straight. I punch it in and project it onto the unfinished endoskeleton. As expected part of it goes beyond, unable to be sustained on the air around it. I grab the scrap metal I was using to make the shoulder blade and swing it over to the computer. I bring up the picture of her estimated shoulder size and shape and roughly bend the metal to that shape. I can always make it exact later. I work my way down to the elbow, then forearm. I leave the hand for later.
I hold it up to my own shoulder to see if it will look about right. Satisfied with my work, I put it on loosely. Once I have a rough estimate on the whole thing I will refine them to the proper shape and begin the programming.
Speaking of programming, I've pulled up a list of very personal questions that will be a blast to answer. Well, for me anyways. I smile to myself, I'm going to have so much fun watching her squirm.
"Get your fucking food guys!" EJ calls to everyone. Attitude much? I put down the scrap metal I was working with and head downstairs.
"So, how was everyone's day?" Jeff asks sarcastically. It's a sort of tradition for someone to ask how our day was, much like a caring mother, and all of us share the highlights of our day.
"I found a new victim. Age 23 male. Name is Jeramy. Found his profile lurking in the database." EJ says.
"Noah will soon join us. And I will take care of Firebrand so that he doesn't prolong the inevitable." The Observer cackles.
"I'm building a robot." Everyone gives me strange looks. "It's for my victim." Calling her my victim sounds wrong, she isn't my victim anymore is she?
"I'll be conditioning her so that Ben can play with his little toy." Masky steps in.
"She isn't my toy." I growl.
"Then your hers? I seem to remember you were sulking in your room when you couldn't find a way in her bedroom."
"Shutup! You should have seen how desperate she was for me to come back."
"Then she's your toy again?" Masky laughs.

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