Ch. 17

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"And I really would start on this now but it looks like I have to take you home."

"Right when I wanted to stay too." I laugh.

"I'll collect parts and such, for now try to be normal," He taps my nose. "I'll get you a few more bottles of pills from Masky, never know when you might need them."

"I don't know if I can be normal... does this mean I don't have to take my schizo meds?"

"Yea, but you might favor the ones we give you."

I stair at him with a worried expression for a minute.

"I'll just pop in Masky's room and grab you a bottle, I'm sure he won't mind." I think of the entry of Marble Hornets where Hoodie takes Tim's meds and he has some sort of weird seizure.

"Nonono! I don't even think he should have gave me these!" I hand Ben the bottle Masky gave me before. "I'm sure I'll be fine. I can't take these from him."

"If he gave them to you it's fine." He gives me the bottle back.

"I can't! I can't have him go through that again!"

"Through what?" I never explained myself, it must seem like I'm crazy.

"Marble Hornets. Tim can have seizures without this. I really can't take these!"

"Fine! Jesus woman!"

"I can't have that on me... It can't be my fault." I whisper, half to myself. Of course Ben hears me anyway.

"Its alright, come on I can drop you off in your backyard."

"Ok... Wait how? There's no electronics in my backyard."

"Yea there is. I had the Observer put it there so I can drop you off without your dad getting curious as to why you didn't make a sound coming in."

"God dammit. How many of you have been IN my house?"

"Umm..." He counts on his fingers really quick. "Three? Three so far but I'll probably allow some of the others to drop off notes or meds I guess."

"You can't control who goes in my house! You don't even have a connection to it!"

"But I do. You live in it, therefore linking it to me. Heh 'Link'-ing. Now come on, or you'll have to say your bus was late." Ben grabs my hand and entangles my fingers in his. It actually isn't all that bad. Oh god no. His blond hair falls over his eyes, and his hat is slightly sideways... Almost kind of cute. Oh god no! Even his red demonic eyes are sort of nice to look at. Oh GOD NO! I get a sickening feeling as I realize what I've done to myself. Ben passes us to my dimension and the sick feeling gets a thousand times worse. I dry heave in my backyard, how could I let myself get a crush on him? Hastily, I shake my hand out of his and hop my fence to get to the front door.

"Hey, Elizabeth! What the hell? Are you ok?" He asks in a concerned yet hushed voice. He cares about me, that makes it hard to breathe. He can't care about me. I ignore him and walk with my head down to the front of our house. God dammit! All my school stuff is inside my room. Sheepishly, I turn to Ben, who followed me, stupidly exposed. God Liz, you are just the best at this aren't you?

"Elizabeth, what's wrong. You have to tell me." Bens voice is laced with concern, making me dry heave again. He grabs my hand and I flitch, I'm still not used to being touched, and definitely not unexpectedly. "Please." He pleads.

"My stuff is in my room, can you get it?"

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fucking fabulous, ok? Just," I sigh, grabbing the bridge if my nose, "please get my stuff."

Scared by my tone he lets my hand drop and goes back to my backyard, probably to pass to my room though the device the Observer put there. I only got a glimpse but it was basically a screen, to pass through I guess, and a small motor. I put my back against the side of my house and sit down, why am I so stupid! I hit my hand on my head a few times repeating "stupid, stupid, stupid!" Ben comes back, wearing my backpack and runs when he sees me hurting myself.

"Hey hey hey stop! Don't hurt yourself. What is wrong?" He grabs my hands again, surprisingly warm for a computer program.

I'm not crying, I hardly ever do, but my breathing sounds like it. I take a calming breath and stand up, grabbing my backpack.

"I have to go..." I throw open my door. "I'm home!" I yell even though my dad is in the kitchen. Then I close the door on Ben, and run upstairs to make sure my laptop is closed.

Don't Stay, Don't Go (Ben Drowned Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now