entry 01

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entry 01 | 3:23 pm

hello lovely people of virtual diary, it's your new favourite rant-er (is that even a word) vernon :D

honestly they should have named this app virtual journal cause virtual diary seems misleading like i'm not writing some dear diary shit, i'm full on crying about life over here. also if my sister ever sneaks into my phone and finds it, i'm gonna be teased for life 😔

but i don't have to worry about that cause my family is abandoning me in korea 🥳

okay wait i should probably explain that, so my father has to go back to nyc for this work for this entire year, my mom agreed to move back with him. my sisters still is middle school so she won't be having any problems with moving back for a year but i'm unfortunately going to be doing my final year in high school and it's gonna be such a pain to move back there, come back and try to find some college that would accept me. so my mom suggested 'hey let's just leave my son here, i mean we're coming back after a year' and there we have it 

it's been a week and honestly i'm doing okay so far, like i can cook the bare minimum, eat cereal for days and there's this lovely old lady next door who said i could call her if i needed anything (she also makes bomb cookies).

anyways so today boo texted me that he wanted to study since schools gonna start in a few weeks and ofc i said yes even though i was in the middle of a marvel marathon, that's how much i love him.

so i got dressed, caught a bus and headed to the library, i found boo sitting by the window and he looked so good, like the sunlight was shining on his hair and when he noticed that i arrived he just smiled at me hhh but unfortunately boo forgot to inform me that our another friend, dino (not his real name) was tagging along.

don't get me wrong, dino's a wonderful guy but he's as dense as boo and he can't see my pathetic attempts towards him 😔

so dejected, i sat down next to dino and took out my books. we were supposed to do bio today (even though i wanted to do chem so boo could feel the 'chemistry' between us) 

(okay bad joke moving on) but then dino and boo started bickering over god knows what and ended up going on for two hours, ofc i tried stopping them but it was the part were they were aggressively debating about if the chicken came first or the egg and yeh i'm not getting involved in that

finally the librarian threw us out and lucky we weren't banned from coming back here (bless his soul), dino had to go another way so he bid us goodbye and also didn't forget to blow a raspberry at boo

while we were on the bus, going back home, boo apologised for not being able to study today and ended up arguing with dino. as the whipped man i was, i forgave him and told he there's always next time. when boo's stop came, he gave me a hug and skipped off home. i honestly felt more lighter after that, boo's hugs are better than any medicine there is in this world 

and that's how my day went, schools gonna start soon and hopefully i'll be able to confess too(no promises on that last part tho )


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