entry 15 (irl version)

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it was a terrible time for chwe vernon.

 it was like the pain just kept doubling over each minute, the love of his life with someone else was like vernon being punished by the one above. he often had sleepless nights wondering of the what if's and was facing the results of his cowardice. the bags under his eyes got darker and his heart was being torn to pieces.

his friends were quick to realize how miserable he was, since vernon wasn't ready to open his mouth they decided to just hang out with him and make him happy again. they would go to arcades, parks, ice cream shops or just have fun sure vernon was ever so grateful for them but that still didn't help with the hole which was made in his heart. one day won took him to a cafe to have a chat with him.

'hansol, i don't mean to pry but this depressed behavior of yours isn't quirky' said wonwoo to which vernon chuckled but didn't say anything to that. seeing his words had no affect, wonwoo took a breath in and continue

'look, i guess this has something to do with boo seungkwan dating kim mingyu right?' wonwoo watched vernon's shoulders tense up and his face change.

'is it that obvious' he asked meekly, avoiding eye contact with his taller friend. 'it's not don't worry, i get how you feel' he replied back

'you do? how so?'

'i liked mingyu, maybe not as strongly like you with seungkwan but yeah'

vernon leaned back in shock 'i didn't know..'.

 'it's alright i think i did a pretty good job at hiding it' he said smiling like it didn't affect him.
'how are you so.. okay with this?'

'well i first went through the phase of agony, betrayal and anger were quick to follow but after awhile realization dawned upon me and finally acceptance and after that i-'

'moved on?' asked vernon as tears escaped his eyes and flowed down his reddish cheeks. wonwoo quickly got up from his seat and went over to his friend to give him a hug as he saw vernon curl into a shaking, sobbing mess, letting out all the hidden feelings he harbored for days.

vernon knew this pathetic state of his was disgusting so to at least try to change — try to move on he ended up taking a two day break from school. he mostly stayed in his room, eating when needed but this was the most peaceful time he'd had in weeks. sure his sleep schedule was still the same but it was better.

this moving on thing doesn't seem that painful as he thought it was. but he still can't help but feel bitter, he decided to just put it off as an natural response for now and decided to work on himself, which was why he took the break in the first place.

it was in the evening of the second day, vernon was on his couch with a fluffy blanket which belonged to his sister, mindlessly switching through the channels of his tv when he heard someone ring the doorbell.

it couldn't be his neighbor since she informed him that she was traveling back to her home town for a week

it couldn't be any delivery guy since hansel didn't order anything (not was going to after the flower incident)

maybe it was one of his friends? he was sure he told them not to come and visit him, by the time he reached the door the answer to his question was found

it was boo seungkwan

he was panting really hard, his hair was a little messy, his cheeks were flushed but he was standing in front of vernon's house. that's right.

boo seungkwan was at his front door looking ever so beautiful.

'hansol we need to talk' his voice came out with confidence, making vernon just wordlessly nod his head and let the boy in. was this a terrible mistake? it was but maybe this was the universes way in helping

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