entry 12

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entry 12 | 06:54 pm

omg hey besties hair tuck;

sorry for the inactivity ur boy was busy writing exams but now has been freed from hell :D

anyways so update on the mingyu situation, i've been watching him like a hawk, he thinks he can get away from me and my super amazing senses. i made sure to be around whenever he and boo were talking and any slightest indication that he's gonna ask my boo out, i steep in and join their conversation (i know surprising, the lengths i go for love) i'm sure mingyu's thick head would have noticed it by now that there no way i'm giving my boo to ... HIM like he actually thinks he has a chance with BOO??

haha nice try dude, he can just talk with him meanwhile my hug privileges still exist and gonna make sure i rub it in this face :]

but honestly i need to start gaining courage and confess to boo FAST, idk how long i can hold mingyu off i means what's the worse that can happen? him hating me and never talking to me again and grow distant from me, all my friends leave me, my grades start dropping... yeah that sounds bad but i mean it's boo, the least he would do his tease me about it and forget about it soon, hopefully 

anyways gonna end it for today, gonna go sleep and eat and sleep and sleep, did i mention i've been sleep deprived haha


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