entry 13 (irl version)

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hansol felt like he was in heaven as soon as he injected the epipen into his leg, the swelling from his face calmed down, the itchy-ness magically stopped and he could finally register his surroundings. he was currently sitting in his bath tub, his medical cabinet was a mess, medications of different types were scattered over the floor, it's a miracle he even found the epipen in the midst of his disaster. 

'hansol? are you doing alright now?' asked his neighbor who peeked her head through the door. hansol must have called her when he was in panic after all he did have her on speed dial.

'yes i'm fine now mrs. oh i'm sorry to trouble you' replied hansol, his vision was starting to clear up and he could see the worry on her face. 'actually my grandson's at home, i don't want to leave him alone for awhile, will you be okay by yourself?' she asked again to make sure he was alright. hansol's heart has filled with gratitude for this kind lady 'yes i'll be okay don't worry thank you again' he said as he watched her leave.

now. how did he ended up here like this?

tracing back to this morning, he got a package. weird cause who would send him one so early but nonetheless opened it and found a beautiful bouquet of chrysanthemums, he would find them beautiful in photos or at least 10 feet away from him but now his allergies took over him, almost completely taking over his body.

now hansol was sure none of his friends would send him that cause the were well versed with his allergies, maybe a secret admirer? who was hansol kidding therrs no one who liked him that way too. he luckily had his phone with him, it was already noon. he had a few messages from his friends but he'll get to those later. he decided to call joshua to inform him his near death experience.

'hey dude where are you?' hansol heard the gentle voice reply to his call, he placed his phone on the bathroom counter and buried his head into his hands

'man someone sent me flowers and i had an attack, don't worry though i'm still breathing' said hansol, trying to stop his friend from worrying, he knew that joshua was the best worry wart he had met in his entire life. joshua's tried to ask more questions but there was a distant chatter coming from the other end of the phone 

'what's going on out there?' asked hansol. 'oh that... well don't jump to conclusions but apparently people saw mingyu taking seungkwan behind the school' answered joshua with hesitation. this was bad, really really bad.

everyone knows if you want to have a little make out sess, you go to the back of the school. and now that hansol wasn't there, who knows what mingyu would have done

'oh my god! why didn't you stop him?' asked hansol, suddenly getting fired up. 

'i didn't know they went there! but honestly i don't think mingyu would do anything hansol, he seems straight' lies what lies, hansol knew the real mingyu, the cunning guy who was just waiting for the right moment to lay his hands on his innocent seungkwan. hansol somehow got the energy to get up from the tub, just then he noticed something else on the floor along with his mess.

there was a green paper folded up neatly, with a name of a flower shop printed in silver. this probably came with the bouquet aka his death weapon.

'hey josh, i'll call you later' said hansol abruptly before joshua could protest. he opened the card to find writing which made his face turn pale

Dear Hansol

Today I'll be asking seungkwan out

Though i might seem dumb, I know you like him

So here are some flowers as a gift, my competitor

We both know Seungkwan is going to choose me

Love Kim Mingyu :)

'well shit'

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