entry 03

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entry 03 | 7:40 pm

it's the start of school today yay (🤮🤢) but seriously i'll miss sleeping in, doing the bare minimum of interaction and not having to walk around the whole fricking school just to get into a stupid CHEMISTRY CLASS

ahem ahem sorry, last year was horrible 

anyways i got dressed in my uniform and made some cereal to survive for today.while eating  i guess i really missed my family cause usually it would be so lively in the morning but now it's just me but it's alright, mrs. oh (the old lady from next door) came to wish me luck, seriously she's the best 😭

i got on the bus, took a seat by the window and decided to listen to music in case anyone recognised me and wanted to talk with me, sorry but it's too early to embarrass myself. as soon as entered school, i found dino by the gate who literally ran to greet me, apparently we had the same  class along with boo, honestly that was the best news i had heard all day.

we walked together to our classroom, near the doorway we found boo talking with joshua (a good friend of mine) and boo immediately hugged me. unfortunately the hug was too short (in my opinions) and joshua was smiling weirdly at me, i guess he's too tired to even function properly yet still managed to give me a fist bump

okay a little appreciation post on joshua

joshua's actually from america too so when he transfer here, we both immediately clicked. we helped each other out with korean, we both loved the same kinds of movies and if it wasn't for him i would have forgotten how to speak english and would be failing in that subject too

anyways we entered in the class and were able to get some seats in the middle of the room (if we got seats in the front, that would be game over and if we got seats in the back, the teachers would suspect us ) after 10 minutes of talking, the teacher finally came in

his name was mr.choi, he was this old guy but he didn't seem too strict. he seemed like those happy go lucky people who turn into demons the minute you upset them, so i made a mental note to never cross that line. he said some shit about this being the final year and it's important and whatever i didn't listen to that as the star student i am. then as per boo's information, we were actually going to have a transfer student, and what more luck for him to transfer in our class.

mr.choi called him to enter and dear god never did i feel more threatened than ever. okay get this, this dude was FREAKING TALL, LIKE SIX FEET OR SOMETHING AND AND HE HAD THE AUDACITY TO SMILE AND BE LIKE "HEY IM SO GONNA BE POPULAR HERE AND EVERYONES GONNA LOVE ME"

okay no he didn't actually say that but it was close :(

the dudes name was mingyu, he transfer cause of a random reason blah blah but the teacher was like 'Oh Go SiT NeXt To BoO' like what is your problem?? i'm already trying to survive here and you just plop this guy next to my boo 🧍🏼 and ofc being the wonderful person my boo is, him and mingyu became instant friends, not even four periods and they're exchanging numbers and you may be wondering what did i do? well since i was sitting behind boo i witnessed everything and said nothing, that's right i kept my mouth shut cause whoever boo wants to be friends with, he can do that, no matter how shady the person is.

so now i'm sitting in the bathroom stall, typing all this out to vent out my frustration which i can't really show outside. i really hope that mingyu just ends up as a good friend.

who knows, i'm maybe just overthinking everything again (not maybe, it's definitely)

anyways that's it for today, see you later, the wonderful people of the internet 


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