entry 07

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entry 07 | 4:09pm

happy pride month to everyone :D ngl this is the one month i look forward too, this is the only time i can be the raging bisexual i am without being weird (ofc on the internet)

so as a honorary gift for all the gays out there, i plucked all my non existent courage and asked boo what's his sexuality 

so i went up to him during break and was like 'hey boo did you know it's pride month' and he was like yee (in an adorable way) so i asked him 'are you gonna celebrate it? cause i am' ngl he looked confused and was like 'since when did you celebrate it?' and i was like 'i always do, i just didn't do anything huge about it yk, i was planning to bring my bi flag coloured pencil case just for this month' (yes i have that losers :P) and idk why he wasn't fazed even a bit and was like 'cool' ?? mans just found out that his bestest friend is gay and goes cool?

anyways i tried not to lose courage and go 'what about you? what do you identify as' and was crossing my fingers to NOT hear him say straight and he goes 'i think i'm questioning, i'm not sure but i don't think i'm straight, ig' and i had to control the huge squeal that was threatening to escape my mouth and nod along to him like i totally didn't care and wasn't having a colourful party in my head

i was so happy ngl i didn't even mind when mingyu came later and snatched him away from me cause i finally have a chance hhh, after like what 3? 4 years of one sided pining my efforts are being rewarded, ofc there is a chance that he likes someone else but but that isn't the end for me guys

anyways the day went on the same, dino and shua weren't back yet so that meant we had to go back to mingyu's table 😭 idk why but mingyu seemed more touchy with my boo like what, who wants a hug in the middle of lunch, keep those filthy hands off my boo but i controlled myself cause another lunch war would definitely get us expelled (don't ask about the first time)

but me and won were discussing about this new show he binge watched and said it was good and portrayed lgbtq+ pretty well (won's pan so we're like the gay besties but in another level of coolness) and i felt mingyu's attention suddenly focus on us like that's weird, weren't you pestering my boo

after that lunch (i don't even know what to call it) i got a message from dino saying he was having a huge problem which he couldn't explain through text so he fixed a time to facetime and hopefully it's worth it cause that's my me time bro you can't take it just like that D:

that's all for today 🧍🏼 idk what else to say homies, see ya later


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