entry 02

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entry 02 | 6:09pm

hey peeps, have i got some stuff to tell you guys today

so to make up for the mess that happened in the library, boo asked me to join him at the mall to buy new stationary for school, you all know the answer so moving on

i ended up being too worried about my outfit so i ended up wearing a white t-shirt and acid washed jeans (which made me look more american than ever) but it's fine cause when i met boo at the mall he was i looked great, he's got a unique fashion sense but hey i gotta get whatever compliment i can

first we went to get coffee (nowadays no one can function without it) and went to this cute little stationary store that opened up, i bought a few books and  a bunch of pens.boo was secretly buying something which he wouldn't let me see :( so  i gave up and waited for him outside cause gonna score those brownie points.

after that with our half finished coffees, we went to this arcade that we usually go to. it's really cool, it's got purple lighting, tons of games and a claw machine which everyone hates yet spends the most time on. we played this fighting game where i won the first round and had to deal with a sulky boo so i went easy on him in the second round and the way his eyes lit up when he won was adorable, i wish i had taken a photo of that instead of gawking at him as the dumbass i am.

we played on the claw machine for awhile (i swear that game is rigged) and to fuel our defeated souls, we went to go get lunch. we were able to find a cafe which sells some of the best cakes i've ever eaten. so while i was eating my strawberry cheesecake,  boo got out a little yellow paper bag with hearts on it and just silently passed it to me.just in case it was drugs, i opened in under the table (joking)

and there was this cute little keychain of a avocado and i looked up to boo, to see him hold a little orange keychain and say 'there now we're matching' and immediately avoid eye contact.


for people who actually took the time to decipher what i typed, props to you 👍🏻

but anyways after that heart attack by him, we decided to call it a day and head back home, on the way boo said there are rumours that there might be a new transfer student coming this year so i was like sure whatever as long as he doesn't cause any problems that's alright 

i dropped boo home since his stop was first and then went on my way, listening to woodz (pls he's so good :( ) and thought that sooner this year i must confess to him soon

i had a long existential crisis so to cut you that pain, i'll end it here, laterz :D


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